1: Augury

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On the edge of the great salt plains, under an overhanging cliff side, was an escape pod. Next to it sat an unusual character. His colouring was dark purple and light blue, same going for his optics, both a mix of purple and blue. He was a mechling, who had fled Cybertron as it was uninhabitable, taking only two things with him. A chunk of dark and normal energon each.

His appearance was not what made him unusual. He had not come from the well of Allsparks as all Cybertronians had, but rather directly from Cybertron's core. The spark of Primus, this was not possible without a second element, Unicron. Augury was the creation of both Unicron and Primus, a unity between the two, and possessing a mixture of their lifeblood.

Augury did not mind; in fact he enjoyed the company it gave him. The two energon chunks had a part of both his creators, allowing him to communicate with them. At the moment, Unicron was chucking evilly.



"What would it be now?" I asked as I sat down, watching the crystal glow as we communed. Primus was listening too, often low on energy.

"The planetary alignment." Unicron hummed, gleefully.

"This again." Mumbled Primus.

"Your just jealous." Unicron said plainly, teasing him.

"I'm far past that." Primus hummed, he never bothered to lie.

"When will you have a physical form?" I asked curiously, I had always wanted to hug my creators.

"Soon?" Unicron said questionably. "I think the silver one is plotting against me." He added sounding paranoid.

"I wonder why." Primus said sarcastically.

"Then there's the Prime." Unicron added as an afterthought as if he did not matter.

"I think youre going to regret underestimating him." I added, I hadn't told my creators but I had formed something like a bond to the prime. Not like I wanted it. But every now and then I could see through his optics, on purpose and accidental. I did so whenever I was bored. This was most likely to the fact that we were both connected to Primus, more directly than most. This was also applied to the warlord as we shared the dark energon. I avoided seeing through his optics as the warlord seemed to sense me.

Suddenly rocks began to crumble from a wall behind them and a pair of purple optics opened. "Finally!" It exclaimed as it revealed its figure. It looked like a large rocky Cybertronian. A fat one.

"Oh scrap." Primus muttered.

The figure laughed as it extracted itself from the wall. "'Oh scrap' is right, you're going in that container." Unicorns new form teased as he lifted up the blue energon crystal that Primus inhabited. He plopped it in a container and closed the lid, leaving Primus in the box.

"It's dark." His voice came out muffled. It was rare for him to complain but he still did sometimes.

I jumped onto Unicron's back and gripped on tight, it was an awkward hug.

"Oh no, I'm being attacked!" Unicron yelped playfully. I laughed as Unicron tried to shake me of, eventually he just grabbed me by the arm and peeled me off. "Oh, look at this wimp." He teased as he dangled me in front of him.

"What's going on?" Primus asked from his lonely place in the box.

"Not much shortie." Unicron replied, using a nickname and taking advantage of it as he now had a form. Meanwhile I had wrapped myself around Unicron's arm, confident I would stay on this time.

"I'm going to strangle you." Primus huffed.

"How? You're too short." Unicron laughed as he tried shaking me off as if I were a parasite.

"You've sunk low enough for me to reach." Primus said, smugness lacing his tone.

Unicron was about to retort but paused, "Hold it." He said and stilled, "That parasite shot me." Was he fighting a battle elsewhere?

"Who?" I asked.

"Megatron. Little fraggit." He cursed angrily.

"Language!" Primus shouted.

"Just wait a moment." Unicron grumbled and I decided I wanted to see too.

I looked through the optics of the warlord and saw him extend a servo to a bot under a pile of rocks. The bot took it and was pulled out. I was interrupted as my vision forcefully flashed to my own. A feeling of dread filled me, he the warlord just seen through my optics?

I loosened my grip in slight panic and slipped, luckily Unicron caught me on my fall. Then plopped me down on the floor, Unicron clearly needed to focus.

I headed to the container with Primus' crystal and took it out.

"Thank you- holy me, he's gained weight." Primus exclaimed making me smile, he could see from the crystal he inhabited as could Unicron.

"Well, I can't do anything now, not until they're in my spark chamber." Unicron muttered to himself.

"Huh?" I and Primus asked.

"Trying to put something in my spark," He elaborated then glared at the blue crystal. "You created a pest, congratulations." He sneered. This argument again, I always ignored it. I looked through the Prime's optics this time and saw him gazing up at a gigantic spark, I pulled out to see Unicron's form pacing forward and back.

"He's going to fail." Primus hummed, as if wanting to make a bet.

"How do you know?" I asked looking at the blue crystal.

"I can feel the Prime emptying the matrix." Primus explained, "His form is going to crumble." He added, speaking of Unicron. Within the minute he was proven right as Unicron crumbled into a pile of large chunks. No more hugs, I told myself, but I could stack the pieces of the form together to make a scarecrow.

A growl came from the purple crystal, clearly he was annoyed.

"You should put him in the box." Primus suggested.

"Why?" I asked.

"He's going to start cursing."

Primus was right, Unicron let out some very colourful language before I put him into the container, saved for these occasions. The sun soon began to sink low and Primus suggested for me to get some recharge, I did so.

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