2: A Race

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I woke with a yawn, stretching his limbs. "I suggest you take him out of the container, he wants to see the sunrise." Primus said and I took into account that it was still dark.

I crawled over from my place against the ledge to the container, as I was too lazy to stand and walk. I opened the box and took the crystal out, I got a quiet 'morning' in greeting.

I plopped him next to Primus and sat back before Unicron shrieked, "Get me away from that repulsive thing!" I leaned forward to see what he was referring to, I thought it was Primus' crystal at first but then found a large spider scampering toward the purple crystal.

"Scared of a little bug?" Primus asked in amusement before it turned to him, he let out a squeak of fear. I grinned, I found it cute in a way, I came over to it and scooped it up with some of the dirt from under it. Then put it back down some distance away.

I looked to where the pile of energon normally was, I had run out last night. It did not worry me, that energon was only transported here by myself form the other side of the salt plains. I had found a vein there. "I'm going to get some more energon." I alerted my creators.

"Don't take too long, I can't stand him." Unicron grumbled still in a bad mood. It was still dark but the sun was beginning to rise, Unicron's mood began to lighten.

I transformed into my beast form, I was not a Predacon, it was just a unique ability. My form stood on four legs but could stand on its hind legs, I had a bird-like face plate and plated wings instead of fore arms. Hooked claws were at the bend of the wings, allowing me to run with them. I also had a long tail with adjustable plating flowing down the sides, I used these to balance during flight.

I started at a trot, it was a long distance, but I enjoyed it. On big, flat surfaces my beast form could reach high speeds from 200-300 miles an hour. To fly I had to get a run up as my wings were rather long and heavy, they were built to soar in Cybertron's winds. However, on earth the winds were less extreme but once in flight I could slowly gain speed and diving was fun.

I preferred to run the distance and so I built my trot up to a casual jog, casual by my expectations. Eventually I had to let of some steam and sped off, my claws digging into the ground, scooping up dirt as my tail whipped back and forth. My cooling vents worked but they were also assisted by the winds that struck my front. I arrived at the energon mine quickly but then felt another presence in the back of my processor. My helm snapped up as I skidded to a stop, but the presence had left as soon as it had arrived.

Had Megatron looked through my optics again? Was it a two-way thing? I transformed and shook my helm, no. I was being silly. I walked into the small cave-like entrance I had dug and looked around, energon stuck out from the walls and I spent some time digging around them instead of tugging or snapping them off. I got a few bits loose and tugged it out, I then sub-spaced the chunks before I continued.

I was digging out the last one as I heard rumbling from outside, it sounded like an engine. I pushed it away without a second though but almost wet myself when I heard the sounds of transformation. I stilled instantly, hoping the gloom of the cave would hide me.

Ped steps got closer, and I saw the owners optics glowing in the dark, the strangers blue optics landed on me. Then I realized that my blue and purple optics could be seen. I was smaller and quickly scrambled around to get outside, the stranger beeped in surprise. Beeped?

I got outside and sidestepped away as I watched the entrance of the cave, a yellow and black bot stepped out. I had enough experience with hostile bots on Cybertron and did not want those events to repeat. I turned tail and ran. I transformed and headed to the left, away from the mine and my home. I cast a glance behind him and saw that the bot had also transformed and was now pursuing me.

I picked up my speed to a sprint, I could go faster but was economic at the moment. The bot was fast and kept up slowly gaining, taking advantage of the flat plains like I did. I began to panic as once again I pushed it to the max. If the stranger could keep up, I would be forced into flight, luck was not on my side

The bot stayed with me, I had to lift off. It was easier said than done, it had to be done in a fast powerful motion. If I failed, I would stumble, and at this speed... It would not be good. I counted my steps, starting at ten and counting down, I had to be committed and this helped.

3... 2... 1...

In a powerful movement I pushed off from the ground and expanded my wings. Once they reached their full length I dragged them down powerfully, a new gust of speed hit me as I rose higher. I repeated the motion, losing speed going forward as I climbed up. Once I was high up I began pushing forward. The bot had stopped following me but I still took a large loop to get back home.

Eventually I got there, being gone for the total of 2 hours my creators were no doubt worried. I rolled into a dive as I was above my home and threw my wings out as I neared the ground. The landing would have been neat if I hadn't stumbled forward as I landed.

"What took you so long?" Unicron was first to ask and Primus waited for a response, Unicron having already asked his question.

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