23:Dragged Along

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"Then who?" The warlord asked.

"Ah..." I started, then I had a spectacular idea, "Oh, hi Optimus!" I said and waved at the empty space behind Meg.

Megatron instantly dropped me and turned, "Hm?"

I scrambled to my peds and ran. I ran in a room with no exit before I was thrown to the ground. "Okay! Okay! I'll stay!" I shrieked when a heavy ped pushed me down. I was face down in the dirt.

"I wonder?" Megatron asked, rather sarcastic. I nodded frantically and he lifted his ped of my backstruts.

"Why not kill him?" Starscream asked with a sneer.

"Because every life is precious and mine has barely begun?" I suggested as I sat up. They both glared at me.

"What's going on?" Primus said, rather uneasy.

"They're glaring at me." I told him.


"No idea." I shrugged.

Starscream looked at Megatron and mouthed "Crazy."

I glanced at them and got up. Then Megatron grabbed me by the scruff and dragged me to the exit I missed before. "Ow, my back still hurts!" I whined as I tried to get some footing.

"Sloppy patch job." Starscream muttered.

"The medic lacked motivation." I said and then my vision flashed to Megatron's.

"Out." He snarled and tightened his grip.

"I didn't mean to!" I argued and continued to squirm.

"Why are we taking him?" Starscream asked and nervously trailed us.

"He has some... Interesting characteristics." Megatron said briefly and continued toward the light.

Then I had an idea, I wandered over to Optimus' optics. He was still driving but came to a stop. "Umm?" He started, he knew I was there.

I came back to myself and repeated until I felt him in my helm. I showed him my captors in a plead for help and soon he was gone.

"So... where are we going?" I asked. Just then, a ground bridge popped up. Hope faded as they begun to walk to it, eventually leading us inside a large room. "Shit."

Purple bots turned their helms to look at the sight but quickly returned to work. "Well, I am not escaping now, can you let me go?" I asked, I got no response.

"Starscream, monitor the Bridge." Megatron instructed and dragged me out into the hallways.

"Where are we going?" I asked.


"Oh, that's nice."

"You misunderstand." Megatron snorted, "Knockout will run some tests on you."

"Why?" I asked, so I was going to be a lab rat?

"You think Starscream hasn't told me that you can make a cannon out of dark energon?" Megatron asked.

"Play dumb." Primus instructed.

"Dunno what you mean." He aggressively dropped me and picked me back up. "You can't replicate it!" I spluttered, "If that's what you want to do." I poked him.

"And why is that?" Megatron was slowly losing his patience.

"Ah..." I started.

"Don't." Primus warned.

I shrugged feebly and was dragged along behind him. "I can walk you know." I complained, I got no response. Since I was out of sight, I sneakily formed a dagger, which I stabbed into Megatron's arm.

"Argh!" He turned and threw me to the floor, menacingly charging the fusion cannon aimed at my spark.

"I WON"T DO IT AGIAN!" I shrieked in utter panic as he once again pushed me to the ground with his ped.

"Really?" He asked, somewhat amused.

I vividly nodded and heard a snort from Unicron. I forgot he was here, he must be making a damn effort to keep quiet.

Megatron gripped me by the neck cables and dragged me along, in his line of sight. During my discomfort, we made it to a door, it slid open.

"My lord!" A red mech started as he spun energetically. "And..." He looked down at me, "Ahh?"

"Run some tests of his abilities," Megatron instructed and removed the dagger from his arm, throwing it at the floor, "I want a report by tomorrow." He added and dumped me on the floor, swiftly leaving.

A thick Blue mech came into view and stood above me, he looked at the red mech, "This is a youngling." He stated.

"Mechling." I corrected as he picked me up. I hate how small I was.

"Yup." The red mech headed over and poked me, "Cute."

"Him and I see Optic to Optic." Unicron snorted.

"And, according to Starscream you can make a cannon of dark energon?" The red mech, Knockout asked.

"And a dagger." Big blue added as he picked it up.

"Oh that's adorable!" Knockout exclaimed and plucked it from his servos, "I'm going to have a look at this. You look after him." He instructed.

"Yup." Big blue said and walked me over to a berth. He looked me over and poked at some dents. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Augury." I said nervously, these guys were way to nice for my liking.

"Cool, I'm Breakdown and that's Knockout." He pointed to the red mech. "You've been hanging around with the Autobots?" He asked.


"You're back has already been patched... Badly." He pointed out and I nodded.

"You know where their base is?" Knockout asked from above a microscope.

"No." I didn't, not really. I know it's in a dessert.

"Right, lay down, on your front." Breakdown instructed and got a torch. I did so.

"Well, they seem nice." Primus started.

"Maybe they're just pretending." I suggested.

"Huh?" Breakdown asked.

"Was talking to someone else." I explained.

"You could kill them." Unicron suggested.

"I don't want to." I muttered.


"Not you." I said.

"Then who?" Knockout said, rather disinterested.

"Sire and Carrier." I muttered.

"You could have at least seemed sane." Primus started, "And now you threw it away."

"To much effort." I mumbled as Breakdown started welding my backstruts. Then Knockout came over with a scanner and hovered it over my helm. "What are you doing?"

"Scanning your processor." He said blandly, a bit concerned.

"Well, he's got the right idea." Unicron giggled.

Knockout withdrew, most likely having found the same as Ratchet. "What's wrong?" Breakdown asked.

Knockout leaned over to him. "He's hearing voices." He whispered.

"Like imaginary friends?" Breakdown asked.

"Sure." Knockout looked at me and changed the subject, "Can you transform?" He asked and shrugged, "I wanna see your alt mode."

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