9:The Medbay

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I strolled through a little longer, I found their energon storage.

"Why did you stop?" Unicron asked.

"Found the energon." I told him.

"Sweet, help yourself." Unicron giggled.

"I have my own." I told him and took a little dark energon, a small raw crystal doesn't damage me so I tossed it in my intake and continued waking.

Until I crashed into Optimus again.

"You need to watch where you're going." Unicron said while Optimus glared at me sternly. He probably thought I was in need of some discipline training.

He grabbed me by the arm firmly and pulled me along. "I can walk." I complained.

"Not in the right direction." He said. His tone was neither cheery nor angry, it gave of a disappointed feeling. So what, he was disappointed. I barely know him! I don't care.

Yet I did.

"Can you tell him that I hate him?" Unicron asked, it's like he had to get that out there.

"That's rude." I told him.

"Do it." He growled threateningly.

"Sire says 'he hates you'." I told Optimus, he raised a ridge.

"That's good to know." He said blankly.

"Now he probably thinks you're using me as a scrape goat." Unicron said.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"I mean-" Optimus started.

"Not you." I cut him off and he shut his intake.

"You know how sparklings make up imaginary friends?"

"Yea." I told him as Optimus and I walked on.

"So, they break something, and then they say that their imaginary friend did it." Unicron explained.

"Yea, but you're real." I told him, then I felt a presence in my processor. I shut my optics and paused in my stride. It wasn't Optimus, I could tell the difference by now.

Once Megatron was gone, I opened my optics. If Megatron could only see darkness, maybe he thought he was having an optic failure or something.

I noticed Optimus looking at me, I stared back awkwardly. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes." I said stiffly and we continued walking, we made it to the main room and Optimus let go of me, letting me walk forward on my own.

"Hello." A buff, green mech greeted.

"Hi." I said back

"I'm Bulkhead-" He started but was quickly interrupted.

"And I'm Miko!" A little thing called out and I quickly traced it to a yellow couch. Two other humans were with her. "What's your name?" She asked.

"How can small things be so loud?" Unicron asked.

"I don't know." I told him.

"You don't know your name?" Miko asked with a frown.

"It's Augury." I told her.

"And there's something wrong with you head, right?" She shot out.

"Miko!" Bulkhead exclaimed in a mixture of warning and shock. The black hair human elbowed her in the side.

"I like that one." Unicron said.

"You do?" I asked him, fully aware everyone was looking at me.

"She could be your partner in crime." Unicron said.

"I'm not going to commit any crimes." I told him, he grumbled in frustration.

"That's good." Bumblebee beeped from beside Arcee.

Then I just stood there silently, playing with my digits. Then Ratchet stepped forward, so I took a step back.

"You agreed to this." He hissed, already getting worked up.

"I never gave verbal confirmation." I shot back, Ratchet was stumped. I was faintly aware that Optimus was approaching form behind.

"I taught you well." Unicron said.

I tried to bolt but Optimus quickly grabbed me and carried me over to the medbay as I tried to break his hold.

The human giggled.

Optimus sat me on the berth but kept a firm servo on my shoulder.

"I need to use the washracks." I lied, desperately trying to get out of this situation.

"You can go later." Optimus said.

"Damn, he's smart." Unicron giggled.

Ratchet whipped out a thing threateningly. I glared at it. "Processor scan first." He said and pulled it up to my helm.

"He might not register energon readings with that." Unicron pointed out.

"'Might' is a strong word." I told him.

"It's actually a rather weak word, to many possible meanings, messes things up." He said.

Is he really giving me a vocabulary lesson?

Ratchet took the scanner away and looked at the results, then narrowed his optics.

"Nothing wrong with it, is there." I crossed my arms.

"There is." Ratchet said swiftly, Optimus silently asked him to explain. "His Processor is registering non-existent sound waves." He explained then looked at me, "You're hearing voices." He told me as if to say, 'I told you so.'

"And you're old, so you might be hearing impaired." I shot back, he was pissed.

"Listen here you little glitch-"

"Ratchet." Optimus said in warning, Ratchet closed his intake and got the other scanner.

I transformed and stretched my wings, aiming for the ceiling. But Optimus caught my tail and dragged me down, making sure not to throw me to the floor.

"You're fragging useless." Unicron said, as Arcee, Bulkhead and the humans looked at me confused. Nice to know that they were watching the whole time.

I slouched back under Optimus' steady gaze, bringing my wings close. Bumblebee did a little explaining for the others but left them with the same questions.

As Ratchet got closer, I managed to slap the scanner out of his servos with my tail. He looked vivid, but Optimus took over.

"Transform back." He demanded.

"No, no, don't." Unicron said.

"Now." Optimus added, I did so. I slid behind Optimus but he moved away.

"Nice to know where your loyalties lie." Unicron hissed as Ratchet scanned me.

He started at my helm and moved down, as he got to my chassis, the scanner started beeping rapidly. That's where all the dark energon was.

"You have anything in my chassis?" He asked.

Maybe if I got one crystal out, he'd think that was all. I slowly nodded and opened my chassis so I could get one out.

"Umm." Unicron said nervously, I grabbed a piece. "That's me! That's me!" Unicron shouted so I dropped him and got another. I took it out and closed my chassis.

Ratchet glared at it.

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