10:Time out

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"Where did you get this?" Optimus asked as soon as he saw it.

"I found it." It was kinda true, Unicron kept quiet, he knew I had to be careful.

"You had it in you this whole time?" Ratchet asked and put in in a dish. I nodded, "And do you feel tired or dizzy?" He asked.

"Say yes, it's a very common side effect, for them." Unicron added.

"A bit." I said.

"Bumblebee said that one of Unicron's infestations were at your pod, how?" Optimus asked.

"That was Unicron?" I asked, pretending to be surprised. Ratchet looked over at me in shock while Optimus nodded.

"Um," I made up a lie quick. "There were earthquakes so I went out in the open so nothing would fall on me and when I came back, a bunch of rocks where there and they looked like they fit together." I lied.

They both looked skittish but decided to leave it at that.

"Can I go?" I asked, Ratchet huffed and nodded. I turned for the exit but stopped when I noticed everyone was still looking at me. Then they dispersed quickly, realizing that they were staring.

I managed to find a nice, cozy corner and sat down.

"You're so lucky." Unicron told me.

"I know." I told him, Bulkhead cast a confused glance. "Carrier isn't." I pointed out.

"He's fine." Unicron drawled.

"All alone." I added, trying to guilt trip him.

"He deserves it." Unicron said.

"Maybe you and him could switch." I said. The Autobots looked concerned but tried not to let me notice. Ratchet looked downright worried.

"We'll visit him tomorrow." Unicron said.


"Optimus, I picked up an energon reading." Ratchet called over to his leader and stood beside so he could see the console.

Then Miko waved me over, I hesitantly got up and walked over to her. The other humans were eyeing her. "So," She started. "Through the ground bridge, interesting stuff happens and I want in, so you distract Ratchet, so I can go through. Deal?" She jumped.

"In translation," The black hair human started, "She wants to risk her life for an adrenaline rush." He said.

"That seems like a legitimate reason." Unicron said. "And you got a reason to piss of Ratchet." He said.

"Yea, but I don't want him to hate me." I told him.

The small human with glasses stepped forward, "What is your Sire saying?" Oh, so this one 'humors mental instability'.

"That it's a good idea."

"So it's a yes?" Miko asked.

"Yes!" Unicron yelled at me.

"Sure." I said.

Jack face palmed.

Suddenly a ground bridge opened. "Autobots, roll out!" Optimus said and equipped a mouth plate.

They drove through. I headed over to Ratchet. "Ratchet?" I asked him.

"Not now." He said and turned away.

I tapped his shoulder pad, which I barely reached. He huffed, "What?"

"The dark energon is bad right?" I asked.

"Yes." He said impatiently and I watched Miko make a bolt out of the corner of my optic.

"Ok, so I can't have it back?" I asked.

"What? No-" Then he noticed Miko and quickly shut the bridge off. Miko was to slow.

"Aww." She whined and slowly walked back under Ratchet's glare.

Then he turned back to me. "You were trying to distract me!" He hissed.

"Maybe." I said.

He was so frustrated, "Go to the medbay, sit on the berth until I tell you that you can come back out." He ordered.

"Don't do it." Unicron said. "Resist."

"And if I don't want to?" I challenged.

"There's an empty cell." Ratchet narrowed his optics.

I quickly walked into the medbay and sat on the berth. "You should have gone to the cell, then he would have gotten in trouble." Unicron said.

"I think we were better off on our own." I huffed.

"Yea, I got an idea." He started.

"What?" I asked.

"Make them hate you and they will kick you out." He said.

"Or just sneak out when no one is looking?" I asked.

"And how would you find Primus?" He asked.

"I dunno." I said and got out a small dark energon crystal and plopped it in my intake. I grew bored quickly, so I got up and looked at the medical stuff. I picked up a knife, it slipped out of my digits and fell. It pierced my ped.


"What happened?" Sire asked.

"I dropped a knife on my ped." I told him and hopped back over to the berth. I looked down at it, I was way to squeamish to pull it out.

Well, that's Ratchet's job anyway.

I looked through Megatron's optics (because Optimus was riskier now) and saw that they were both locked in combat. They looked evenly matched.

I left his view and looked around the medbay. Not going to risk this again. I sat through the agony of boredom until the ground bridge opened up.

I limped over but before I got out of the medbay... "Get back on the berth." Ratchet hissed, without looking up.

I scowled and got back, eavesdropping with my Sire. They were unsuccessful. Was that good or bad? Depends if I like them or not.

"Oh goodie! They're going to starve!"

"Then I will too." I told him grumpily.

"You got a stash in your chassis." He grumbled.

I huffed and returned to eavesdropping.

"The youngling-" Ratchet started.

"Mechling!" I corrected loudly.

"The YOUNGLING tried to distract me so Miko could get through." Ratchet said.

"What a snitch." Sire muttered. "If they knew you were Primus' creation, they would worship you."

"I will have a talk with him." Optimus assured, probably because no one else knew how to.

"Just say Ratchet stabbed you." Unicron said, referring to my ped. "Add some tears."

"Or simply distract him with the fact that I accidentally stabbed myself." I stated.

"Then blame Ratchet for not supervising you?" Unicron asked, but then Optimus walked in.

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