chapter 49

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I wake up just as the plane lands in London. I gently grip Clary's shoulder to get her to open her eyes.

The second I took my seat on the plane last night I'd fallen asleep. I was exhausted from travel and slept like a baby the entire flight.

Clary and I grab our carry-bags and step out the plane. I stretch my arms and legs, reveling in all the open space. London's familiar gray skies welcome me back home.

Walking through the airport seemed unreal. It seemed crazy that we were just in New York and now we were back. The change is jarring.

Jace is waiting for us outside. When Clary sees him, she runs up to him and jumps up to give him a hug. His arms wrap around her small body tightly. They smile at each other widely and kiss. I grab mine and Clary's luggage and place it in the back of Jace's car. I hop in the backseat and wait for them to get in.

I look out the window and they're still clinging onto each other. I bite back my annoyance. It wasn't like I was in a rush to be anywhere. Besides, they were cute together. It was clear to see how much the two were in love. It was the first time that the two had been separated for a prolonged amount of time. It reminds me of Will and I. I grow giddy at the thought of seeing him.

They finally break apart to get into the car.

"Hey Tessa!" Jace greets me a little breathlessly.

I smile at him. "Hi. Thanks for picking us up. Again."

"Anything for my cutie pie." He looks at Clary.

I pretend to gag while Clary giggles.

I look out the window serenely while Jace drives. It's just past noon, so the streets were packed with activity. The roads were lined with automobiles and bright red buses. Clary tells Jace about New York while I listen. Clary and her family went sightseeing around the city, pretending like they were tourists for fun.

"And what about you Tessa?"

"What?" I pick my head up from the window.

"What'd you do with Nate and your aunt?" Jace asks.

"I thought you knew this. I was with Will, that's why he was gone the last two days."

"I didn't even notice," Jace laughs. "Where'd you two go?"

"We went to his lake house upstate."

He nods, as if he's familiar with the property. "I loved that place. I used to climb that huge tree in the yard and jump into the lake from the top."

"You were a crazy child."

"Ha! I was."

"And you still are," Clary teases.

Before I know it, we're stopping in front of our apartment. Jace unloads our things from the back. We say goodbye to him and head into our apartment.

I am overcome with that feeling I get when I come home after travelling. It feels strange to be back home. Clary does not bother unpacking. She flops down on her bed and falls asleep immediately. I, however, immediately unpack my belongings and tuck them neatly back into place. I drop all of my used clothes in the washing machine.

I take a shower while my clothes are being washed. I hadn't showered yesterday, and with all the travelling I'd done I needed to be rid of the grime on my skin. There were parts of my body that were sore that I wasn't even aware of. The hot water loosened my muscles and relaxed me.

Feeling clean and refreshed in my new clothes, I go to take my clothes out of the washing machine. I place them in the dryer and head to bed, ready to take a nap.

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