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If you read this far, ily. This book was an old draft I had since 2015. My writing has improved since then.

It was inspired by Fifty Shades of Gray by EL James, and of course, Cassandra Clare's The Infernal Devices.

I do have plans for a sequel to hold me down, though I don't know when I'd get to writing it.

I'm currently working on an enemies to lovers wessa fic. I'm posting snippets on my tumblr (my @ is subtlehearts).

This story is going to be drastically different from this one, in terms of writing style. I'm planning for it to have around 200k words. It's much much longer than this one. I'm super excited to be writing this for you.

Here's a sneak peek:

Tessa rounded the corner of the hallway. It was almost midnight, and the witchlight lining the walls of the familiar Institute corridors were dimly lit.

The doors to the library were wide open when she arrived. Moonlight filtering in through the large windows illuminated columns of books. Though she could barely see, Tessa knew exactly what she was looking for and where to find it.

Stopping in front of a shelf near the back window of the library, Tessa scanned the neatly arranged rows. Frowning, she squinted and moved closer to inspect them further. It wasn't there.

"Looking for this?" A voice drawled. Tessa swiveled around so quickly her neck could've snapped. Will.

"You scared me!" Tessa whisper shouted. She marched over to where he was sprawled onto an armchair and snatched the book out of his hands.

"You're quite predictable, you know that? You've read that book far too many times."

"That's none of your business," Tessa retorted. She turned to leave, when Will replied.

"Do you hate me as much as you say you do?"

Tessa ignored this, heading determinedly to the exit.

"Don't bloody ignore me," he rose his voice. Tessa heard the rustle of clothing, and then she was yanked back by the wrist.

"Don't touch me," she hissed, snatching her arm back. Will was standing in front of her, blue eyes blazing.

"I asked you a question and you ignored me. You're quite rude." With a panic, Tessa realized her back was to the wall. Will's body blocked the exit.

"Get away from me," Tessa warned.

"Answer the question," Will demanded.

"Why does it matter to you!"

"Because you insufferable warlock cunt, you're lying to yourself," Will closed the distance between them, and Tessa was alarmed to see the whites of his knuckles.

"I want to ruin your life. I think about you all the bloody time, and it's disgusting and I can't stop. You did this to me," he spat out.

Tessa laughed without any humor. "That's lovely. Let me leave, now."

"And I know you think about me too," Will continued. There was a level of savagery in his voice, like he wanted to tear her to shreds. "You hate it, do you? You hate that my words have such an effect on you. You're lying if you tell me otherwise. You and I, Tess, we're the same."

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