chapter 31

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"Congratulations on graduating Tessa!" Sophie gives me a big hug as soon as I step out of the elevator the next morning.

"Thank you," I smile and pull away. "How was work while I was gone?"

"It was so dull. I had no one to have lunch with. I'm glad you're finally back."

"Me too," I lie. The truth is, I'd been dreading returning to work. I could not face Will. Seeing him at graduation was one thing; when we were outside of this building he wasn't my boss. But here... it was much too embarrassing.

The elevator door behind me opens. It's Will.

He scowls at me. "Get to work, Tessa. You're late."

I try and hide my annoyance, but he was right. "Sorry." I keep my head down as I hurry to my office. My face is still flaming as I sit down. What was with him today?

I open my laptop and begin typing away, trying to let the work consume and distract me from my embarrassment. At least if he was mad at me, he wouldn't talk to me all day. I suppose this was a good thing.

Hours pass as I complete the day's tasks and even work ahead of my schedule. I was proud of myself for completing so much in so little time. I hope this would make up for my late arrival. Leaning back in my chair and admiring how much I'd done, my phone begins to vibrate. It's Clary.

Deciding I deserved a break, I pick up the Facetime.

"Hi Tessa!" She's sitting in the passenger seat of her car.

"Hi! Driving to the airport?"

"Yep," she turns to her left. "Look who's here." She tilts her camera to the driver's seat. Jace.

He's smiling. "Hey Tessa."

"Hi Jace. Pay attention to the road. My best friend's your responsibility."

He scoffs and takes his hands off the wheel momentarily. "I'm an expert at driving."


"Clary's not even scared. Look at her." And sure enough, Clary does not even look the slightest bit of concerned as I am.

"The girl is fearless," I roll my eyes. "Clary, your boyfriend is going to kill you."

"I'm more lethal in bed," Jace winks.

"That's it. I'm hanging up."

"I'll miss you Tessa," Clary says. "I'll be thinking of you while I'm swimming on the sunny beaches."

I look out my window to cloudy, rainy London. "Have fun. Text me when you get off the plane!"

"Bye Tessa," the happy couple bid me farewell and ended the call. I sighed and set my phone aside, picking up where I left off in my work.

My door opens suddenly. It's Will.

"Can you knock?"

"Can you not use your cellphone during work hours?"

"It was your cousin and Clary, they were saying goodbye before they left for the Barbados. What's your deal?"

Will's lips are set in a hard line. "Stay after hours. I need you to work on something." And with that, he leaves my room.

I run my hands through my hair, frustrated that I have to do extra work. I'd been looking forward to going home and enjoying the empty apartment. I try and shove down my irritation and open the new emails forwarded to me by Will. It's a huge hundred thousand word file that needs to be edited and annotated by tonight. I tie my hair up into a bun and get to work.


By the time I finish, it is dark out. It is nearly 8 o'clock in the evening. I let my hair down and run my fingers through it, massaging my scalp. I smile to myself. I actually finished. I can't wait to go home and drown in my cozy blankets.

I don't think there's barely anyone left in the building. Sophie went home hours ago. I step out into the empty corridors. Usually, there's chatter leaking out from cubicles and telephones, shoes clacking against the granite floors, the ding of elevators and the sound of print machines.

It's eerily silent. Just as I'm about to return to my office to get ready to leave, I hear Will's voice from his office.

"Tessa. Get in here."

I tentatively open the door. "Did you need me?"

"Take a seat."

I am guided by the sole light present in the room, a small lamp on Will's desk. The city casts its light into the space, though it barely makes anything visible.

"Did you finish what I gave you?" His face is giving away no details as to what he's feeling. It's blank. Unfeeling.

I nod. "Yes. Can I go now?"

"No, stay here for a couple more hours," he says sarcastically. "You've been here long enough. Leave."

I furrow my eyebrows. "What has gotten into you? You left yesterday without even saying goodbye and now you're being a prick!"

He scoffs. "You're not my mum. I don't need to tell you where I'm going."

"No seriously, Will! Something's wrong. You're acting like you would before."

"My business is none of your concern Tessa," he spat out my name like poison. "Don't you have your boyfriend to coddle."

"Boyfriend?" I was completely bewildered.

"You expect me to be pleased when I found out that you were fucking your best friend right after we had shagged in York?"

"Will, I don't have a fucking boyfriend," I said, shocking myself. I never swore. "And besides, how is it your business who I fuck?

His hold on his armchair tightens. "You drive me absolutely insane Tess."

"I'm not doing this with you right now. Good night," I get up and march towards the door. Just as I was about to reach for the knob, I was yanked back by my wrist.

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