chapter 30

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"White dress or pink?" I hold up the two outfits, letting Clary decide what my graduation outfit would be.

She taps her finger against her chin. "The light pink one. It looks better with your hair."

I had curled my long brown hair for today. I wanted to look my best in the pictures, especially because Aunt Harriet, Nate, and Jessamine were coming. I didn't want to look messy in front of them, or in front of our entire school.

"Are you sure? The white one is nice too-"

"Tessa you're going to be wearing your robe anyways."

"Okay, I'm stressing out over nothing. I'm just so nervous- there's going to be so many people in the audience."

"All you need to do is walk across that stage and accept your diploma. It's not super hard. I'll be right there with you, doing the same exact thing."

"You would actually go before me, because of your last name," I note while putting on the pink dress.

"So when it's your turn to shake hands with the headmaster, you won't be scared, because I would've done it perfectly before you went."

"Can you zip up the back?" I turn around and sweep my hair over my shoulder.

Clary gets up from my bed and zippers my dress.

"Thank you," I smile at her. "You look beautiful by the way."

Clary had straightened her normally curly red hair, and her makeup was done perfectly to make her green eyes pop. She wore a white dress underneath her robe and it clung to her petite frame.

"You too Tessa," she beams. "And don't forget your necklace."

"I would never forget it," I laugh as I head over to my vanity and fasten my clockwork angel pendant around my neck. "Is Jace coming?"

Clary grins. "He is."

"You really like him do you?"

She nods. "I think he likes me too."

"That's amazing I'm so happy for you!" I feel genuinely happy for my friend. It felt crazy, how we'd come so far together. It seems like yesterday we were freshmen in high school in New York.

"Thanks Tessa," she gushes. Clary looks at the time. "Oh it's 10 o'clock, we've got to go!" I grab my graduation cap and purse before rushing out the door.


We took our seats in the front rows of the auditorium of London University. Though we'd been here often during our 4 years here, it felt different now. The air was different. Students surrounded us in rows, a sea of white and green robes. Everything seemed extra shiny, probably polished to perfection the night before in preparation for the ceremony.

I turned around and craned my neck to see if I could spot Aunt Harriet or Nate, but there were simply too many people. The auditorium was enormous, and it even had a higher terrace of seats on the second level. A bright spotlight shone on the middle of the stage, though the curtains were closed. The headmaster should appear at any minute now.

I turn to my left to give Clary, who's at the end of my row, an assuring smile. She gives me a thumbs-up, right when the curtains open and the lights dim slightly.

The headmaster steps up to the pedestal to greet everyone. She proceeds with her long speech, congratulating us all and inviting more speakers to the stage. After sitting for nearly an hour listening to various professors, alumni, and board members give their speeches, it was finally time for Jem to give his valedictorian speech.

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