"Bad guy?" he questioned.

"You could say that" she hummed in response making him nod again.

"What do they look like? Koji will protect mommy!" he exclaimed with a grin

Y/n chuckled softly. "Well.." she hummed to herself. "He has yellow hair" she stated

"That's it?" Koji looked at his mom as she nodded.

"Mhm." she hummed in response.

"Koji will beat him!" he said, making her chuckle softly.

"Thank you Koji" Y/n responded.

Soon, the two had to leave once they were done with dinner since it had gotten late. Saying goodbye to their grandma/mom, Y/n buckled Koji in his car seat before making her way inside the car as well and started to drive back to their apartment. Parking her car in the parking lot, she got out of the car and started to take Koji out of his car seat and noticed that he had fallen asleep on the ride back home. Smiling softly, she unbuckled him before propping him on her waist and let him rest against her while she grabbed Koji's pictures and closed the door, locking it. She walked to her apartment and unlocked the door and made her way inside, closing the door with her foot.

Y/n went to Koji's room and set him down on his bed before looking for more comfortable clothes for him to sleep in. Once changing him into his pajamas, she made her way over to her room and gently laid him down in the big bed and tucked him under the sheets. Giving him a kiss goodnight on his forehead, she left her room to do a bit of cleaning up since she didn't feel tired just quite yet. Humming softly, she picked up Koji's toys that were around the house and put them in his toybox. She then headed towards the kitchen and quickly put away the dishes.

While cleaning up around the apartment, Atsumu wouldn't stop texting her the whole day, causing her to annoy her but she ignored him nonetheless. Once she was done, she smiled in satisfaction at how clean the apartment now was. It was then that she realized that she had left the door unlocked. Cursing under her breath, she quickly made her way to lock the door before someone made any ideas to try and break into the apartment. Her hand inches away from locking the door, someone had knocked on it which startled her a bit.

Hesitantly, she went on her tippy toes to reach the eye hole to see who it was, only to see a fake blonde standing in front of her door. Stepping back a bit she got more annoyed as she took out her phone from her pocket to look through the messages only to see that she got spammed by him. Getting even more irritated, she scrolled through the hundreds of texts she got from him only to see that in the recent messages that he sent her that he was heading towards her apartment. Her question was how he even knew where she lived.

Knocking at the door again broke her out of her train of thought and made her sigh as she put her shoes back on and slightly opened the door and looked up at the male, an annoyed expression on her face. "What do you want?" she questioned.

"You were ignoring my messages so I took matters into my own hands and decided to come to you" he said with a small pout.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you want?" she questioned.

"Think I can come inside? I'm kinda cold" he said cheekily, a small smug smile on his lips which she wanted to slap right off his face.

She glanced over to the door that lead to her room before sighing quietly and looked at him. "Hold on" she said and closed the door. She grabbed a blanket that was on the couch and wrapped it around herself before opening the door and went outside, leaving the door just slightly open so she could hear if Koji had woken up from his sleep.

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