AU Side Story 5

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A/N : If you'd like to have a more sad atmosphere to it you can listen to When She Loved Me covered by Lyn Lapid :D Enjoy!

Koji didn't remember a lot about his mom since he's only known her for two years. Although he doesn't have a lot of memories of her, he loved her very dearly nonetheless. His grandma would always tell him stories about her and show him pictures of her. He doesn't like to say it since it makes his grandma sad, but he missed her.

Her smile, her hugs, her voice...

When she fell that day, he was beyond scared. He wanted to see her to make sure that she was okay the next day after, but his grandma didn't let him. When he was able to see her, he saw her hooked up to some machines which made him worry more that he bawled the whole time. He had fallen asleep in her arms from tiring himself out after crying so much.

He brought her flowers when he went to go visit her.

"You brought me more flowers?" she gave him a soft smile as he grinned at her, holding the bouquet of f/f (favorite flowers) in his hands. 

"So mommy gets better!" he beamed. He walked over to her and tried to get on the bed, only for his grandma to help him up on the bed. Sitting on the side of the bed, he handed her flowers, making her chuckle.

Taking the flowers from him, she smelled them before giving him a bigger smile.

"Thank you Koji. Mommy's feeling better already" she gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him giggle.

"Mommy's coming back home soon right?" he questioned.

"Yeah, mommy will come back home soon. Promise" she smiled and held out her pinky as he linked his pinky with hers.

"You promise!" he said before hugging his mom. This made her chuckle and hug him back tightly.

And every time he saw her, he saw that she wasn't getting any better.

"Grandma" Koji spoke up, looking at the bouquet of flowers he was holding before looking at his grandma.

"What is it dear?" she looked at him with a soft smile.

"Why aren't the flowers helping mommy get better?" he questioned.

He watched as his grandmother's expression turned into a sad one until it quickly changed into a smile.

"They are helping though, they just haven't taken into effect yet" she reassured.

The boy looked at her before glancing at the flowers as he clenched it a bit in his hands. He soon looked up at her and smiled.


And then one day, he couldn't visit her anymore. Although he tried to beg his grandma to let him visit his mom, she only shook her head with a sad smile. The days slowly went by and he waited for his mom to come back home, but she never did. 

It wasn't until his grandma made him wear some fancy clothes. Putting him in the car, she drove him somewhere. Before they made it to their destination, they bought flowers. Seeing how his grandma bought flowers, it was a sign that they were going to go see his mom. This made him excited as he patiently waited to get to the hospital to see his mom.

Once they parked the car, he tried to unbuckle himself from her car seat but wasn't able to. His grandma opened the side door and unbuckled it for him. He thanked her and quickly went out, only to see that they weren't at the hospital.

Gently, he tugged at his grandma's pant leg and looked up at her.

"We're not at the hospital" he stated. She gave him a sad smile and picked him up.

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