Dear Mia

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Dear Mia,

Have a secret

I can't keep it

Any longer from you

It kills me, wants to leave me

But I know it'll hurt you.

-From Grace

*Thank you PLL (Pretty Little Liars for those who don't know) lyrics are different but instrumental is the same*

*Secret by The Pierces*

For some unexplainable reason, the more I continue my search for Grace, the faster my heart continues to beat. At first, I thought it was nervousness but I think the cause is from me walking everywhere. I normally never walk this much at such a fast pace and I never realized how big the school was until now.


My best friend was nowhere to be found and I've looked all over. Well, except the vents but I'm not entirely too sure she would be able to fit in there. Then again Grace is as small as a donut munchkin. Don't worry there are no puns to intend. I don't know what I'm saying-

Shhh. I hear something.

Standing at the back entrance to the school I move closer to the doors leading outside. As I get closer sniffles can be heard. It almost sounds like someone is either blowing their nose or crying. Quickly making my way over is when I finally spot her. Her small form huddled up on the floor, head down while her shoulders shake from sobbing.

"Grace," I sit beside her along the wall and wrap my arms around her. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" The sound of my voice startled her from her cries. Her head shifted up to meet mine as her eyes blinked with confusion. I've never seen Grace so emotional before. Matter of fact, I've never seen her like this. Ever.

"Mia? What are you doing here?"

"You're my friend, why would I not be here? Plus you have been acting strange lately and now I find you crying. I'm worried about you." I tell her honestly.

"Well," She wiped her tears with the sleeve of her shirt. A dry chuckle escaping her lips. "You have nothing to worry about. I'm fine."

"Oh really?" Retracting my arms from around her I stood up dramatically. Huffing along the way. "Then why did I find you sobbing in this place full of cobwebs. And now that I truly think about it, my skin is beginning to crawl because I'm scared I might have a spider web on my butt," She laughed while I fought hard to stop the smile trying to make an appearance. "No seriously. If I turn around can you check? I really do not want to go to a hospital later and tell them a spider crawled inside my pants while I was trying to comfort a friend."

Talk about the heebie-jeebies.

"Oh Mia," Grace stood up and turned my body around so my back faced her. She patted me down with her hands then began talking. "I doubt that would happen. Then again, I was watching this show and this couple was having sex in their bed. So unbeknownst to them, their pet spider escaped its tank and ended up crawling through the sheets as they were 'doing the do.' In short, the spider ended up entering the girls' lady parts and hatched her eggs which in turn killed the girl. Hmm, I wonder if spider woman was created that way." Grace let out a laugh and I kinda sorta felt like shitting myself.

Just nod and smile.

Turning around to face her when she was done I hugged her. It took her a couple of seconds before she returned the hug. When I pulled back there was no longer any traces of sadness on her face. "You can talk to me about anything Grace. I won't judge. Whatever you're going through I can help. Stacy can too even if her jokes are lame."

"Thank you, Mia."

"Now will you tell me why you were upset or should I wait?"

She hesitated before speaking. "Well the reason I was-am upset is because it...Well, it involves or rather revolves around you. I just-I'm not too sure on how to tell you."


Before I could say anything she spoke again with a sigh. "Mia I have to tell you and-and I don't want this to mess with our friendship." She flexed her fingers back and forth and her breathing got heavier. I was unsure if she would faint or pass out. Yes, I am aware they are the same thing. Yes, I am freaking out internally. Yes, I am hoping my face doesn't look like a squid who is about to be eaten by a shark. No, I am not sure if squids have faces. Yes, I still believe squids have those big, googly eyes that we used to use to glue on animals or people.

Please send help.

I believe I am drowning.

Wait, can squids drown? What if the ink isn't just a defense mechanism but also their oxygen.

Oh my gosh, I am a genius!

Harpo who dis?

An F-ing genius!

Yeah, I've never been the best at science.

Okay, back to Grace. I rested a comforting hand on her shoulder and hoped the smile I gave her was real and not a grimace because I was scared. "Grace, you can tell me anything. Nothing can break our friendship."

I guess I should have knocked on wood. Oops.

"I-I I like-I mean-Mia," Stuttering over her words she paused and looked at me. Some unfiltered emotion seemed to shine in her eyes before it was gone in an instant. "Leon's gay."


"And I think he's using you as a cover."


911: 911 who's calling?

Mia: Hello? 911? This is Mia and...I think I'm dead. 


HeLlO LeGeNdS!!!!

 I am BACK!

Yes, writer's block is a hater and I proved that.

I still can't believe people really enjoy this story. Not saying it's bad but I typically have to take off my thinking cap with this and L&B.

Thinking outside the box gets you places. Always remember that. 

Few notes-

The story about the spider in the couple's bed is from an actual show. I'm not sure if the hatching eggs were right or the spider bit her in between. One of the two but it freaked me out when I was younger. ( I think House something or one of those hospital shows.)

I don't own any rights to the Secrets song. I honestly just changed the wording around a bit so please don't sue me 😅

Lastly, I'm sorry to say but I only watched three episodes of PLL before I turned it off and never watched it again.

Reason: Too CrEePy

Thanks again LeGeNdS!!

Until next time!

Until next time!

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