Never Have I Ever...

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Never have I ever...

The game that everyone plays. Starting from elementary sleepovers to high school parties that end up with people drinking more booze and spilling secrets.

Never have I ever.

The game that I'm currently playing with the three of my friends I came here with, two jocks (without straps), two cheerleaders, and one other person who I don't know.

We were all seated in a circle with a large bottle of booze in the middle and red cups in front of each of us. Our cups were already filled, but depending on how long the game lasted we had a backup.

The game had started a few minutes ago already and I still haven't taken a sip from my cup. In the beginning, the game started off with small things. It was more like the middle school version of never have I ever. Let me list some examples.

"Never have I ever stolen a candy bar."

"Never have I ever peed on myself."

"Never have I ever not brushed my teeth."

And the list goes on. That is until someone made the first inappropriate never have I ever. Once they started that, I haven't taken a sip. Not even once. I guess I was a 'goody good.' Oh well, at least I'll die a Saint.

"Oh come on guys, I know we can come up with something better than taking a shit at school," A girl with red hair and drunk green eyes said with annoyance. The other in the group started nodding. I actually agreed with her statement, I was getting bored. Mostly because I did not have a sip of my brain damage.

"Ooo, never have I ever had sex!" A jock on the football team nearly shouted as he laughed and took a sip. The only person who didn't raise their cup to their mouth was me of course. Shit, even innocent Grace took a drink from the plastic cup. When I looked at her in shock, she simply shrugged and continued drinking.

"Oh my gosh! I totally have one" Stacy shouted excitedly. Stacy was drunk. Point blank. "Okay-" She giggled and hiccuped while I inwardly groaned. She tried to take a few pauses to catch her breath, but every time she tried to speak she started giggling.

I sighed and decided to give one out. I knew that no one was going to drink to this because I'm sure they wouldn't even dare to do it. I tilted my head to hide my approaching grin. "Never have I ever..." I trailed off and the group came closer to hear me. "Never have I ever masturbated." The grin that almost ate my entire face turned into a frown when everyone took a large gulp of alcohol. Except for one person.

Guess who.

Yeah, me.

My mouth gaped in shock while I stuttered, "Y-you've all masturbated?"

A person who I didn't know at all gave me a confused look. "Everyone masturbates," He told me slowly as if I were dumb.

"With what?" I asked 'dumbly.' The entire group laughed and I felt myself blush. I was sure no one would drink to that. I-I though-

"You use your hand of course. Well, I like to use my 'toy' most of the time. People have different preferences." One of the cheerleaders told me with a sultry voice.

"Toy?" I asked, kindly wanting her to elaborate. What kind of toy was she talking about? All at once, three different voices rang out.

"Vi-br-a-tor. You know? The thing girls use to put inside their pussy?" A

"It's a fake dick, that's all there is to know."

"Damn girl, how innocent are you?"

My eyes went wide and I wished I never opened my stupid mouth. I knew my skin was probably flushed based on the way my heart was accelerating and my hands were clammy. Leon, who sat beside me put an arm over my shoulder. He gave me a warm smile and a wink before telling the others to calm down. "My girl is only messing with you to get a reaction. She's a really good actor and has been practicing on her skills"

The group, other than my three friends nodded and applauded me. I kind of felt stupid, but I just blamed it on my innocence. What a way to start a night. I put my hand over Leon's as if to silently say thank you and his smile became bigger. Leon Dixon might be the death of me.

"Okay, now how about we play Truth or Dare?" Someone suggested and I mentally slapped them. Now, this was a game I did not trust what's so ever. Truth or Dare was dangerous, especially for me.

I'm sorry that I'm late with

With this update

I know you'll probably hate, 

but oh Legends!

I had a date!!!




With Myself 😏😏😏😏😏😍😘😍😘😍😘

Never Have I Ever...spelled Masterbated wrong

Looks like I'll need a drink


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