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According to my best friend A.K.A Google, Avoidance is a noun.

1. The action of keeping away or not doing something.

Almost like procrastination, but not procrastination because that is a completely different meaning than avoidance. Then again...Well let's continue with the story.


It seemed my perspective on the world has changed. No longer was the sky filled with endless blues and the fluff hats above were white. The trees weren't green anymore and the grass was as dry as a soft penis. Which kind of rhymes with Venis or is it VenUS? Anyway, as I was saying...


My world was turned into ash as if a volcano erupted and black snow fell from the sky. Quickly shadowing my world and erasing all colors from existence-

Scribble. Scrabble. Erase.

"Ugh. This is making me shitty," crumbling up the recent paper I had written on I threw it in the trash can beside my desk. "Who knew writing could be this hard," I whispered to myself before continuing to try to come up with something else to write in my journal.

That's right Universe, Mia has a journal with private stuff in it. So if you want to be cliche and have it disappear causing an evil cheerleader to find it just so she can read it to the school. Please, be my F-ing guest!

Sorry universe. It's that time of the month and I don't have the time nor the patience for anything. Except maybe an orgasm, however, I am not fond of blood on my hands. The worst part about discovering my pleasure is the horniness. This is what no one ever tells anyone. By anyone, I specifically mean me. It's almost like I can never stop thinking about reaching my peak. It honestly terrifies me and it feels as if I have no control over my own body. I wonder if that is normal for everyone because some days I feel like the odd woman out. I should know these things, it's my body.

I mean I know what I can and cannot eat on my period, I know when it begins and ends, but for some reason, I can't explain this heat I'm feeling all over. It makes me want to...

I want to...


It makes me just want to buy a dildo and shove it up my as-

"Mia!" The sudden shout of my name jolts me from my inner thoughts. I look up to see my teacher who oddly resembles a gremlin sneering at me. "I have called your name for the past five minutes," Well, why didn't she stop calling after the second? "It is clear to see you do not take my class seriously so I guess you'll just have to learn the lesson in detention."



"Yes. Detention. After school," Walking up to me she rips out a piece of paper and writes down my information before handing it to me. I'm still gaping like a fish out of water when she resumes her lesson.


I am so dead when I get home.


*Bell rings in the distance*

Walking into the room I notice I'm the first one to arrive. I've never been to detention before so I had no idea how to act. Looking around I noticed a teacher sitting at the front of the room holding a magazine to his face. I make my way up and before I could say a word he spoke, "Sign your name and pick a seat. Bother me once and you'll have a week's detention." I did as he said quietly and made my way to the back of the room.

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