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Why don't you stay for the Christmas holidays? We will gladly host you

Rindy was so happy with my presence in this house and it honestly didn't seem that bad as an idea even though I was very nervous about Ms. Aird being there, her closeness could sometimes be a little ... Stressing, I could not even understand why.
Rindy keept pulling me by the hand towards a closed room, I always thought I saw every corner of Rindy's house but I didn't remember that room, I don't think I've ever seen it.
'Here, this will be your room' she said smiling.
When she opened the door of that mysterious room, I gasped because I didn't expect it to be that big and beautiful, in my house with my parents I barely had a room to myself.
Immediately she took note of the expression of utter surprise in my eyes and placed a hand on my shoulder.
'You should stay here tonight, it's quite late and tomorrow I can take you to your house to get your things, what do you think?' Rindy said in a sympathetic tone.
'Oh I ... wow I really appreciate that, thank you' I said still shocked by the events.
Rindy touched my shoulder softly like a nod that she understood and walked to the door.
'Good night, Abby' she said smiling
'Goodnight' I replied I sitting softly on the bed.
It almost felt like I was sitting on a cloud, it felt so comfortable and comforting, so slowly I let myself go and lay down, paying attention to the ceiling.
Slowly my eyes began to feel heavy, and no matter how hard I was trying to keep them open for a little while longer, the last thing I remember was the patterns drawn on the ceiling of the huge room where Rindy had led me for the night and in which I would spend next month.
Suddenly during the night I had the feeling that my throat was drying up so instinctively I opened my eyes and looked around.
'I need water,' I said in a whisper to myself.
I slowly got out of bed trying not to make any noise and opened the door of the large room.
I tried to be as careful as possible on the stairs because I had no intention of waking Rindy, or having to explain to Mrs. Aird why I was in her kitchen in the middle of the night.
I took a glass from the shelf trying to avoid anything that could hit the glass and thus cause noise as I poured the water into the expensive glass.
I closed my eyes placing myself back to the stairs, I was enjoying the sensation of the cool water running down my throat when suddenly I felt a hand rest on my waist and instinctively I let water fall on me jumping.
'Oh dear, it's just me' I didn't hear Carol coming down the stairs
'I was wondering if you were okay,' Carol said with a fake innocence on her face.
'I'm ... I'm fine' I said and gently push my wet shirt away from my body with my hands.
'Oh darling, let me help you,' Carol said and picked up the kitchen towel.
Suddenly my brain almost felt like it was going to explode;
Carol pulled me closer to her with one hand on my hip and slowly started moving the kitchen towel over my chest, slowly going down and without my noticing put her hand underneath of my shirt.
I was sure she had done it on purpose from the moment her palm started rubbing my wet skin and when I moved my gaze to her I saw a smirk which for which I blushed quickly and furiously.
Suddenly we heard a voice behind us, precisely from the stairs that made me take a few steps away from Carol.
'What happened?' I saw Rindy's face, she looked confused.
Had I disappointed her?
'Oh I was just helping your friend with a little accident,' Carol said and winked at me.
I smiled nervously and walking away from both of them I ran as fast as I could to my room.
I was getting used to run away from her lately, it was getting fun.
'Goodnight' I said almost running towards the door, and when I got into the room I realized I didn't have any clean shirt with me...Well, I would have slept in a wet shirt.

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