dec 24 (p. I)

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The time ran faster than I expected, that day was my wedding day with Carol and I knew that everything would be just perfect, because there was our love in all that, despite the difficult moments it always remained intact and very strong, showing us and others that it was not false, our real and indestructible love could destroy any kind of hatred and homophobia.

From the day I met Carol it was impossible to forget those magnificent blue eyes and they could literally read my soul, it became literally impossible to take my eyes off the magnificent figure of the woman in front of me, every day it became more difficult and I knew that nothing would prevented sharing my life with that woman, the woman I loved from the first second I saw her.

Finally, after long time, the wedding day arrived, after so much waiting, so much pain and after never having stopped fighting, Carol and I had finally reached that point, the day when we will be legally united, even if we did not need a ceremony to to say we were married, we've always had been married, even before that time.

I was really happy because that day, December 24th, it was a special day for me, it was the anniversary of our meeting, our first kiss at Christmas and our engagement, in the future it will also be our wedding anniversary, for this reason I and Carol loved Christmas.

That morning I opened my eyes and it was strange not to find the usual figure of Carol sleeping and hugging me by my side,but, when I realized why the left side of my bed was so cold, I jumped to my feet happily.

I was the happiest woman in the world, knowing that I could finally marry the woman I loved, nothing would stop me this time. I walked quickly to the mirror, as I sat down to start the preparations;

I couldn't help but smile all the time, the wait seemed endless, but the thought of seeing the person I loved on the altar paid off all the waiting.

Slowly I took my dress from the closet;

it was a long dress, of white satin, which created a white trail just behind me, which would have accompanied me to the altar.

I loved that dress, it was so delicate, but at the same time so elaborate.

Behind my back were placed green flowers, which decorated and complemented that magnificent dress and left my shoulders bare.

My hair was pulled up in a high bun, with some unruly hair falling down the sides, adorned with a few flowers just like my dress

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My hair was pulled up in a high bun, with some unruly hair falling down the sides, adorned with a few flowers just like my dress.

I had a light makeup, a little different from what I usually did, even though Carol loved it, I wanted to be special that day, I wanted to be at her height

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I had a light makeup, a little different from what I usually did, even though Carol loved it, I wanted to be special that day, I wanted to be at her height.

I looked in the mirror, I felt my heart beating wildly, I could not control and manage all those emotions that were crashing down on me so fast all together, it seemed like a bomb had just exploded inside me and made me imagine and seeing only colors, it was the best feeling in the world.

I slowly walked to the door as Rindy opened them to let me through.

Things seemed to be going well with her, she seemed to have just accepted the situation and was even happy for us, finally our dream was coming true, our wedding was coming.

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