fake smile

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I was so nervous in the meantime that I walked to the place where Carol and I were supposed to get married, I was holding my dress with my hands slightly higher to avoid tripping and I got focused staring at a spot on the floor to calm my nerves, biting my lower lip lightly hiding a little smile behind that gesture.
I don't think I've ever felt such a strong emotion like this, it was definitely like an explosion inside my chest, making my heart beat very fast and furiously with every step we took that indicated our closeness to the church.
At that moment I started wondering what Carol's look would be, I was so curious and I knew she would be perfect anyway, no matter what she was wearing and no matter where we were or what we were doing, it was just me and her, alone, again just me and her, this was what always mattered, ours presence for each others and mainly the fact that we knew neither of us would ever forget about that.
The moment we arrived outside the church where the ceremony had to be done, I stopped for a moment looking at the large door outside that colossal structure;
I took a deep breath trying to appease all the emotions I was feeling at that moment and I pushed the doors lightly so that they opened.
With my surprise, there were a lot of people inside the church, but the only one person my eyes really got their attention on was Carol;
She was near the altar waiting for me l, I could see the anxiety and restless emotion on her face just like me, so I realized that I was not the only one experiencing that intense mix of emotions that was causing my heart to beat faster with every step , despite not running and not getting tired.
I looked around myself slightly in amazement at how many people had turned up at that event, although I noticed many surprised faces when they noticed that we were two women, but the joy of that moment luckily made me simply ignore the disapproving looks of disgust to which unfortunately I had gotten used to it by now, so slowly I moved my gaze back to Carol that she seemed completely blocked as I started to walk in her direction.
That path seemed infinite, almost as if it lengthened the instant it seemed that I had almost reached her, but when I got to the half system altar I had in front Carol's trembling and excited figure, my heart exploded and unwittingly some tears began to slip down my cheeks.
Carol took my hand, squeezing it lightly, that was her way of letting me know she was there and she was happy to be there with me.
When the ceremony began, I had to admitt that I didn't pay attention to a word of what the priest said, my total attention was on the woman in front of me and on the magnificent eyes that almost seemed to eat my soul, as if they were talking to me and me were screaming thousand words of love which only I could hear in the silence and tranquility of a spiritual place it like the church.
I would have sworn eternal love to this woman, as I did from the first second our eyes met and I understood in that instant that I was at home and I didn't need any Villa or palace to be rich, but the love of the loved one and the affection of one's family was Royal wealth and it was just what I lacked before I met Carol.
'Do you want Abigail Gerhard to take Carol Aird here as your rightful bride?' the priest said, waking me from my trance state as I continued to look into Carol's eyes I smiled realizing that our time had just arrived is our wealth, the wealth that we would carry on and share our daughter Cate, a daughter as much desired as loved by both of us who had understood from the beginning the meaning of love and family and I promised myself that she would never have to feel alone like I did years ago, I promised that both Carol and I would always be there on any occasion for her.
'I want it,' I said, for a second it seemed to me like a whisper from my lips, but when I saw the barking smile grow on Carol's lips, I knew it had been strong enough until she heard it.
'Do you want Carol Aird to take Abigail Gerhard here as your rightful bride?' the priest church, turning to Carol asking the same question that a few seconds before he had asked me too.
'Yes, yes, I do,' Carol said connecting our fingers together.
'Then, without any delay, I declare you wife and wife, you can kiss the bride'
Carol did not even leave the priest finished her sentence and took me by the hips pulling me to her and kissed me.
A kiss full of emotions, in which many words and phrases were shouted that to the ears of other people came only as a simple plice I love you, but our hearts knew they actually meant a lot more than just words.
I slowly put my arms around Carol's neck and rested my forehead on her.
'You're finally mine,' Carol whispered
'I always have been' I said closing my eyes, while to my amazement the surrounding crowd rose up applauding at our sight.

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