love will keep us together

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'I'll take Cate upstairs to her to her room and i'll be right back to you.' Carol wiped the tears quickly from her cheeks.

I slowly placed Cate on the bed and looked around the room;
One day we will have been old and we will have got many memories here, in this room, in this house, together, we will probably have laughed at many bad things that have happened to us and our relationship will be strong and eternal, even after death.
The death..
I took a deep breath thinking about this word that had been haunting me lately.
I had never had a big fear of death, I knew it was something indestructible and biological that would decide to show up at the most unexpected moment, but probably because I had never experienced what love was or what it meant to take care of someone, it never happened to me to feel more or less worried about it.
I knew that someday the time would come when we would be face to face, me against death and the whole life cycle to keep my Carol with me, it was inevitable but I knew I had to do anything for her.
She never mentioned it, all those years, she never talked about what she thought about death or what she thought that could might happen;
When we were close to this subject and I was trying to understand how she felt about it, she would always change the topic or mention that her lifestyle would not lead her to the grave.
That evening I was more worried than usual, after almost losing Cate, I couldn't help but thank Carol's strong and courageous presence in my life.
I didn't know what I would have done without her as I fought my fears during that time, then, I thought, that one day it might happen.
I sat on the chair beside Cate's bed and brushed her cheek with the palm of my hand.
'Someday' I whispered 'Remember to be yourself and fight for what you want' I placed a soft kiss on her forehead as I held the tears back.
That day I promised myself that it wouldn't be easy, but I would stop worrying about the future and start thinking and planning for the present.
I slowly got up from my chair trying to be as silent as possible and walked towards the door.
I turned myself the last time to look at Cate as she was sleeping blissfully hugging the teddy bear that Carol had given her for her birthday.
I smiled slightly at the sight, realizing that I didn't want to be anywhere else but there at the moment.
I closed the door lightly behind myself and wiped away some tears that had fallen on my cheeks without my consent.
'Damn my emotionality,' I whispered and shaking my head I headed downstairs, where Carol was sitting on the sofa, reading a book.
She loved books, she read whenever she needed her, that's why I always gave her books;
She claimed that a book could extend a person's life if she just wanted it.
If only that were true.
I placed my hands lightly on her shoulders and placed a kiss on the back of her neck.
'Hi beautiful'
'Hello cute' she said, still looking in the book focused.
'You look beautiful when you are focused' I said laughing slightly 'You look like a teacher'
Carol looked at me through her glasses that had been carefully placed on her nose.
'You look so hot like that' I said and put my arms on her lap.
'Oh don't be silly,' Carol said as she placed the book on the armchair of the sofa.
'Silly? I'm just realist 'I said placing a little kiss on the bare skin of her knee' You're practically perfect, look at you '
'You're good at lying' she said laughing lightly and stroked my cheek with the palm of her hand.
'I would never lie to you, or at least not about that,' I said
'What? So you lied to me in the past? ' Carol said shockedly.
'Well, maybe?' I said laughing.
Carol pushed me onto the carpet behind myself wrapping her arms around my hips.
'You little..!!' Carol said laughing and hugging me.
'I love you' I said placing my forehead on hers softly 'More than any human can love another'
Carol placed her hand on my cheek softly.
'More than a human can feel' I whispered.
'Oh Abby, you're saying a lot of beautiful things.' Carol put her forehead on mine.
'I will never let you go, I promise you' I whispered on her lips lovingly.
'I'll never go away from you' she said in a barely audible whisper.
We fell asleep embraced, warmed by our body heat and lulled by the sound of wood burning in the fireplace.

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