~When they are turned on~

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She will try to ignore it, but she will sweat and blush more. She will also fiddle with her hair and trail off when she talks.


She will get slightly more handsy. She will also stare at your lips more often, and maybe even bite her own.

Angel Dust

He will throw you onto the bed and chain you onto it. You can guess what happens next.


He will make excuses to get out of the situation and try to take his mind off of it. This is usually by genocide.


He will try to drink the thoughts away, which usually does not work- in fact, it sometimes makes it worse. He will also avoid getting too close to you.


She will clean less and stare at you more. She will also speak faster than usual. Plus, she will randomly do little nice things for you.


He will avoid getting close to you in fear of hurting you. However, if it is obvious you feel the same way, he will try to kiss your neck more often.


She will just straight up tell you she is turned on. No eyelash batting, no smooth flirtation, just straight up telling you.


She will sing risque songs to catch your attention, like a bird dancing for a mate. She will also uncontrollably laugh more often

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