20. I want to help

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Suga's P.O.V.
"Nothing happened to me. I don't want to file a case. Please stop investigating. I am fine.". These words rang in my head like a bell. How could y/n say this? How can he/she be fine? He/she has not uttered a single word since so many days. How is that normal? "Y/n?" I was speechless to ask anything more. "Hyung/oppa, I want to go home." He/ she said. "But-" "I want to go home, please." Y/n requested me with tearful eyes. I had no option but to give up in front of him/her.
(Suga's P.O.V over)

Namjoon's P.O.V.
We were outside the police station. Y/n and the nurse were already seated inside the car. Suga hyung was also getting inside the car. "Hyung." I called him." I know you are mad at me for intruding in between but can I please help Y/n. I promise I'll not cross my limits. Please trust me, hyung. Please trust me for once."

Suga's P.O.V
Namjoon's words were totally sincere. But I still had some doubts especially because it was y/n's matter. I would never want my brother/sister to suffer especially after the incident. Y/n seemed to have lost his/her trust from everyone. He/she seemed to be lifeless. His/her desire to live life to the fullest had vanished.

I saw y/n in the car. It was hard to see him/her in this state.

I glanced at Namjoon again.

I think I made a decision.

259 words

What is Suga's decision? To know more, keep reading.

To my lovely readers
I am sorry I didn't update since so long. A lot of things happened.
1. I was admitted to the hospital. I was severly ill.
2. I got admission in my medical School! Yay. So I was busy with all the documents and procedures.

I'll update the next chapter very soon. It will be a long one. I promise.

I hope you all are happy and healthy. Drink lots of water. I have started drinking 3 L of water and it works like magic. I hope your study/ work is going well. Stay happy and believe in yourself. Everything is going to be fine.

Do vote and comment. It really motivates me.


"IDOL" DOCTOR (Kim Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now