3. Airport

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An unfamiliar feeling of sadness bit me straight into my heart. I wanted to step back. I wished to go back in time and tear my scholarship form into pieces rather than signing it. Leaving my parents alone seemed too selfish to me right now. But was is too late. All the preparations had been done.

I bid my parents a last goodbye and held my bags. I took a deep breath to let all the negative thoughts leave me.
I took a last glance at my parents from a distance. I wanted to cherish that moment. They had both pride and sadness in their eyes. The pride in their eyes gave me strength to make them more proud when I come back and the sadness gave me a sense of homesickness even before I left.

My thoughts were interrupted by the announcement. The aeroplane was going to take off soon. I then hurried and took my seat. It was a window seat. After a few minutes I was able to see my city shrink smaller just like my heart.
Nothing felt so empty as it did when I was in the aeroplane. The sandwich and the dinner I ate seemed tastless. Not that it was not cooked properly but the warmth and love was missing.
I listened to my favourite song to lighten up my mood but all was in vain. So I had only one option left- to sleep.
After a flight of about 18 hours I finally reached Seoul, the city that will help me to fulfil my dream of becoming one of the best Orthopaedics in the medical history.

It was 7:30 in the morning. The cold winter breeze ran across me and sent shivers to my soul. But the sky looked peaceful with a few birds flying high and the sun rising up. Though every seemed at peace but my heart was not. It longed for love amd affinity.

"I hope this city amd it's people accept me." I thought to myself and held up my bags and took my step forward into a new city and to a new life.
356 words.

~To all my lovely readers,
I hope you like the chapter. I know ot is a bit small. But it was necessary. Don't worry our leader will come soon into the picture.

I hope you are healthy and safe.
Eat healthy and drink lots of water. Always smile when you feel low. I know you can tackle with any problem in your life. You are the best.

A new character is introduced in the next chapter. To know who is it do read the next part.

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"IDOL" DOCTOR (Kim Namjoon)Where stories live. Discover now