Alyssa smiled at me, even though still distraught and heavy on the heart, she showed me her hand.

The diamond was huge.

"It's huge." I said as I took her hand to examine the obviously expensive and rare ring.

"It's so very gorgeous, Alyssa!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you, darling." She said.

"Are you happy?" I asked. "Do you feel happy?"

"Yes. I do." She nods. "I've been seeing Lorenzo for years now-"

"That's so sweet." I say giving her a side hug. "Were you together for long?"

"Ages." She smiles. "Never thought of selling down, the either of us, really-"

Angelo was yet to utter a word when Donna Coralyn joined us with her husband who Angelo hugged and gave Coralyn the same cheek cupping treatment as he did to his mother.

And then another man joined us.

He was sporting a navy blue suit with a white shirt and looked nothing like Angelo, but they gave each other a firm handshake and the man hugged Don Marcus, like a brother and shared some inside talk, with smiles in their faces.

I was introduced to the man as Lorenzo.

"Ariel, Sir." I smiled, shaking the older man's hand.

"Sí." The man nodded. "I've heard about you, how do you do, Ariel?"

"Fine, sir." I said. "Thank you."

We reseated on the parlour after the men excused themselves into Lorenzo's office, as a maid served us aperitivo and some bite sized appetizers for while we talked.

(Idk, how to explain aperitivo in English, it's basically a drink. A punch whatever with like snacks? Sorry.)

"Are we waiting for Roman?" Coralyn asked picking up her glass of pre dinner punch drink.

"Sí." Alyssa replied.

"Did you talk to the brat?" She whispered sipping her drink.

Alyssa nodded nervously while twirling her engagement ring around her finger.

"Sí, he didn't utter a word."

"He's probably a little shocked." Coralyn said. "Just a little. Give him time."

I somewhat agreed with the former boss lady but also at the same time felt like Angelo should've at least cracked a smile for the sake of his nervous mother.

"I hope." Alyssa says. "I thought- I mean, Lorenzo's been there for him since he learned how to walk, Cora, I-"

Coralyn placed a hand on her friend's shoulder. "He'll come around biscuit."

"Don't worry." I said taking her hand in mine. "He is probably still processing."

Alyssa nods covering my hand with her free one.

I could tell that Angelo's opinion and reaction mattered to the lady.

I find it quiet natural, because if I was in her place, it would matter to me too.

Excusing myself, I let myself out of the parlour and texted Angelo, to meet me in the garden, when two tick marks appear under my text, I walk out of the house into the front lawn by the fountain, where Angelo had parked the Porsche momentarily.

It wasn't there anymore.

I suppose someone else has parked it somewhere else.

Nervously, fingering the ornament on my neck I sighed.

The Under Boss's Ballerina [18+]Where stories live. Discover now