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This mystery person had to... just had to choose the hottest day of the entire decade to do this. My hair was up in a tight bun as I huffed in annoyance, eager to catch this person. The three of us had split up, and were hiding in plain sight in the park. Jules was sitting on the bench directly in front of the fountain, acting as if she were reading a book. Daniel was strolling in the path nearby and I was in the gazebo, leaning against the wall and scanning the area. This place gave me an advantage as the thick pole had vines covering an entire section and I only had to worry about my front which was directly facing the fountain and opposite to Jules' view.

"You guys think this will happen anytime soon? I'm tired of just walking around aimlessly." Daniel talked into his airpods, a conference call connecting the three of us.

"Just hang in there, Danny boy. Dream about all the ice-creams we can eat once we catch this person. Choco-chip, mint chocolate chip, chocolate chip cookie dough..." Jules trailed off, her attention clearly not on the book she was holding in front of her face.

"Keep an eye out for anybody coming near the fountain." I glanced at my watch.

6:12 pm

If Levi was supposed to come pick up the bag at 7:30, the drop had to happen soon enough. Now it is just a matter of time.

"Watch out guys," Jules said as she looked at the pregnant lady walking with a stroller near the fountain.

"Definitely suspicious. The stroller is a great way to transport the bad inconspicuously." Said Daniel, jogging nearby.

"Someone has been learning new words." Jules taunted as Daniel huffed in annoyance.

I saw the lady push the stroller directly towards the fountain, stop once she reached and bent down to pick something up from the stroller.

"Moment of truth..." Jules whispered.

The lady picked up a baby and held it close to her, walking towards the fountain. She digged a coin out of her jeans pocket and tossed it into the fountain, whispering something to her baby.

"Damn," said Daniel.

Jules paid no attention to his disappointment as she started cooing at the baby, too immersed in its 'adorable chubby cheeks'.

Movement caught my eye as a person in a varsity jacket and a cap walk behind the fountain, a backpack slung on his shoulders.

"Guys!" I spoke into the earphones. "Check this out."

The guy slowed down and stopped to scan his surroundings. Once he was convinced that the coast was clear, he pulled his cap further down, hiding most of his face and kept the bag down against the wall of the fountain. He glanced at his watch and started walking away, both his hands inside the pockets of his jacket.

"That's our man!" I spoke to them. "Daniel, secure the bag and go back home. Jules, round up and meet the guy up front. I will follow him."


"Got it."

I started walking after the man, not wanting to cause a ruckus in front of a huge crowd. Once we'd reached a secluded area, I shouted, "Hey!"

The man turned around and stiffened once he saw me. The hat concealed his face and I couldn't make out much because of the lack of a street light. Once he saw me he started running faster.

He clearly knows who I am.

"You need to stop right now!" I shouted again, my feet thudding against the ground as I ran faster.

Protecting John (earlier: Bad Boy Needs Protection)Where stories live. Discover now