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I can honestly admit that my hatred towards arrogant boys speeding on overpriced motorcycles was pure bull. I laughed as I revved the engine and increased the speed even more when I realized that I may never find such a smooth and empty road to ride such a beauty on ever again in my life.

Feeling John's arms tighten around my waist in fear was such an accomplishment that I sped even more, successfully doubting my role as 'The Protector of John's Life' to 'The Girl Who Killed John Because She Liked Speeding Through The Country Lanes'.

Quite a mouthful, I know.

Considering the pace we were moving on, we might actually reach the safe house earlier than we planned and I was thrilled about the idea since I could not wait to lie on a soft bed and have a good nap. Hopefully, Jules and Daniel must have scoped out the area and this might be a safer place for us.

I was so lost in thought that the finger poking me hard on my shoulder surprised me and I almost lost control over the vehicle. Irritated, I shouted back a 'what!?' at him to which he replied in mumbles. Ignoring him, I continued driving when I felt continuous attacks of pokes on my shoulder. Heavens! I would rather get shot than actually have to suffer this irritating and exasperating assault of pokes.

Noticing the sign on the side which signaled towards a rest stop, I lifted a hand and pointed towards it, hoping to the gods that he gets the idea and that I don't lose control of the motorbike.

I imagined him understanding and nodding, and waiting like a patient child for the next stop.

But NOOOO! He had to be a little child and annoy the hell out of me. he kept on poking me and I swear I could have stopped right there in the middle of the road, pull out my gun and shoot his finger off.

Happy thoughts Q, happy thoughts.

Reminding myself that I needed to keep him alive for Anthony and Emily's sake I tried to ignore the brat sitting behind me and hoped to everything that is pure and good that we reached the next stop soon.

Sure enough, I spotted the huge yellow 'M' looming in the distance and I sped until I reached the mighty clown and parked in a free spot. Snatching my helmet off of my head, I turned back and glared at the boy who had the guts to sit there and smirk at me.

"What?!" I barked at him.

"I'm hungry."

"You're hungry? So you decided to put your life at stake because you were hungry?!"

"Pretty much." He shrugged.

How dare he!

He got off and started sauntering towards the McDonalds, dragging the backpack behind him.

I huffed and followed him, sulking. Who's acting like a little child now, Q?

By the time I reached, he had already conquered a little booth, and was sitting there, his arm slinging lazily over the chair beside him. I ignored him and started walking towards the counter to place my order but he stopped me.

"Never mind, I already ordered."

"I swear if you ordered something like a salad or something, I'm going to choke you to death."

"Kinky," he smirked and I glared at him. "But I've seen you eat and I know that you eat like a pig. So don't worry. I won't starve you to death."

Sighing, I sat down and put my head down on the cool surface of the table. Finally! Some rest!

"You okay there?" I heard John in the distance to which I replied in something I would like to call Jules' whale language. I heard him snigger but I chose to ignore him, like any wise person would.

I heard the trays of food gliding on the table, (what was left of the surface) and I looked up to see trays filled with heaps of food, one large coke and a large sprite glinting like an open treasure chest on an empty beach.

I gave him a grateful glance and snatched the sprite off, took a long gulp and sighed with relief.

"How did you know that I liked this better that Coke?"

"I might have overheard Jules listing out the pros and cons of all the mainstream soft drinks and she might have mentioned how you barfed after a Coke chugging competition with her and you swore that you'll never have another sip of this disgusting drink till you take your last breath." He shrugged.

I gaped at him. So he actually listened to her babbling! That takes a lot of patience. Believe me, I would know.

He pushed a pack of nuggets my way and took one for himself.

"What do you think this house will be like?" I asked him.

"I can take anything but nothing in the middle of a jungle which smells like farm animals."

I nodded. "Anything is better than the cardboard box I lived in with Jules in an alleyway during one of our missions. We had to live three days with barely any food and no access to a real bathroom. I don't think anything we find can top that."

I dipped my nugget in sauce and looked up to find John's arm paused midway as he was going to take a bite of his burger. His face screamed 'shock' and it was my turn to snigger.

"You okay?" I smirked, echoing his words.

He snapped out of his shock, nodded at me and finally, took that bite of the burger.

"We will need to find someplace to spend the night and leave before the sun rises. So hurry up." I motioned for him to continue eating.

Soon enough, we had finished every last crumb and were walking out as I called out to him.

"Hey, Jerkface!" He swung back and caught the keys that I threw at him.

Dang, I can't say that I hadn't hoped for him to miss the keys and make a fool out of himself. Well, one can wish.

Protecting John (earlier: Bad Boy Needs Protection)Where stories live. Discover now