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I knocked once on the door and waited for the boys to open it. We heard some shuffling and whispering from behind the door but it didn't seem like they were planning on opening it anytime soon.

"John, open up its me." I knocked again but there was still no response.

Jules sighed and stepped up, took a deep breath and sang in all her (off-note) might.

"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea,"

We waited for three whole seconds before we heard Dainel sing back in a very shaky voice.

"Spongbob Squarepants..."

The door clicked open and John poked his head out, his eyes widening when he saw both the old man and the black-jacket man on our sides. He then looked at me and opened the door wider when I nodded at him, assuring him that things were under control.

We walked in and Jules sat the old man on the couch first and the black-jacket man on the ground, taking his hat off which was covering half of his face. He shook his hair back in place and immediately looked at John.

"Levi?" Daniel exclaimed. "Wait, what is happening?"

"Do you guys know him?" I asked the boys. John nodded at my question and went and crouched in front of the man, handing me the gun which he must have found from my hiding place.

"This is Levi, one of Elija's friends. I've met him once." He told me. "What are you doing here, Levi?" John asked him, now directly in his eye level. "What is all this?"

The man just scoffed and looked away, deciding to keep his mouth shut. Jules turned towards the old man and sat in front of him.

"How do you come into all this, mister? I really thought you were a good person when you laughed at John yesterday. How could you break my trust like that?" she asked him sincerely.

He was shivering, still in shock after being caught. His shaking hands reached his front pocket, taking a phone out and handing it to Jules.

"I'm supposed to send a message to the boss after you guys were stopped. I don't want to do this anymore. I just needed the money desperately. I'm sorry!"

Jules took the phone from him and nodded. "You need to send the message anyway. Tell me what you were supposed to write."

While Jules handled that, I asked John and Daniel to follow me into the bedroom. A new plan needed to be made.

"Our location has been compromised. This means that there is a high possibility that this could be an inside job. There could be an informant in the house. Since Levi is Elija's friend, I cannot trust the chain of command we have been following. We need to go back and no one can know about this."

"Guys," Jules interrupted us. "What do you think is inside this?" she asked as she held up the black envelope.

I took it from her hands and carefully opened it. Inside, we found 4 train tickets back home which was scheduled for the day after tomorrow.

"Talked to the Cobra Club. Things have been sorted out. Can't wait to see you guys."

"That is Dad's signature," John said pointing to the bottom of the card. This means that he doesn't know about all this." He said gesturing to the two men tied up inside our house.

"We still cannot take any chances." I told him. "Only the ones close to him were involved in your safekeeping and we can't trust anyone right now."

John nodded in understanding. "This place was compromised within a day. We need to get moving as soon as possible."

"We will move tonight. We still have a car and a motorcycle. The old man and Levi will be in the car with two of us and two of us can take the motorcycle."

"Excuse me," Daniel interjected. "I know what you are going to say and I refuse to travel in the car alone with Jules and two criminals. I need one of you too.

"He's right," John agreed. "The three of you should ride in the car and I will tail you guys on the bike. Home is a five hour ride from here and if we start soon we can reach before sunrise tomorrow. This all ends tomorrow."

The two men were left tied up in the front room and one of us took turns to keep an eye on them while the others packed. Soon, our bags were thrown into the boot and the two men were escorted into the car with their hands tied- Levi's behind his back and the old man's in front. Both had refused to speak a word but cooperated with us while they were being moved to the car. Once inside, Jules and I tied their legs together but made sure that they were comfortable enough for the long car ride. We had decided that there would be no breaks in between. Jules and Daniel got into the front seats, Daniel opting to drive because he wanted Jules' and my hands free in case Levi tried to be smart.

"Here," I said to John who was about to put on his helmet. I handed him my gun. "Tuck this into your waistband. I don't want any firearms on me while travelling with them. Can't take any chances."

John nodded. "I'll follow you guys closely. In case anything happens, pullover quickly."

We both gave each other one last look before I nodded and got into the car, hopping over the old man to sit in between the two criminals.

This was going to be a very long car ride.

Protecting John (earlier: Bad Boy Needs Protection)Where stories live. Discover now