Chapter 4- Unexpected

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A/n this is the old cover made by anna.

It's been 4 months since the motive. I woke up early today, I finally fell asleep at 12 last night and woke up at 6:45, maybe it's because of the killing game that I'm not getting any sleep. I'm going to have to ask Kaori if she has any Nyquil in the nurses office. I walk to the cafeteria and start to make myself some coffee.

Eventually Misa comes down with Dev and Himiko.

"Sup!" Misa says.

"Oh hi, what are you doing up so early?" I ask.

"We could ask the same about you." Himiko says.

"I couldn't sleep." I say.

"Ya, everyone is up for some reason." Misa says.

"Where are the rest?" I asked.

"They are coming." Misa said and walked over to make coffee for Himiko and herself.

"So, what do you think about the motive? I just realized I never asked you." Dev asks.

"What do you mean?" I reply.

"It's very convincing, that's all I'm saying, I've known you for half a year and I saw the wheels turning in your head." Dev says and takes a sip of her coffee.

"How did you-." I begin to ask.

"I'm good at reading people, my whole career is because of people so I got good at reading them, I'm saving you from making a mistake." Dev says.

"Thanks, I guess." I say.

Just then Misa came back with Her and Himiko's coffee.

"Himiko~, I made it just as you wanted it!" Misa said.

Himiko picked up the cup and sipped the coffee.

"It tastes good this time, you did a good job, I'm not disappointed." Himiko says and smiles.

"Finally, your difficult to make coffee for!" Misa said.

We finished our breakfast and talked about anime, the others still haven't arrived, it's weird.

"Hey guys, should we go look for the others?" I ask.

"They're probably still sleeping, don't be paranoid." Misa said and rested her head on one of her hands.

"I think we should still look, there's a chance someone broke the rules and killed everyone." Dev said.

"That's a pretty far stretch." Himiko says.

"I agree with Himiko." Misa says.

"Of course you do, simp." I say.

Misa let's put a gasp and acts offended.

"I am not a simp!" Misa says.

"You kinda are..." Himiko says.

"I feel betrayed! Himiko Hold me~!" Misa says and try's to fall into Himiko's arms but Himiko backs up and Misa falls to  the floor.

"Ouch, that hurt!" Misa says.

"Your fault for falling into my arms without telling me!" Himiko says.

"You should have caught me!" Misa says.

"Anyways we should at least check on them, for safety because it's a killing game and all." Dev says

"Your right." I say.

We all get up and go to look for them in their rooms but they are not there, weird.

"What jerks, they're hanging out without us." Misa said.

"Let's go find them, it could be important." Dev says.

"But where would we look?" I ask.

"We should split up, everyone takes a room/ floor. I'll take the third floor since it's the one with less rooms and you guys can decide everything else." Misa says and skips off.

"We didn't even agree- ugh never mind." Dev says.

"I'll take half of the first floor." Himiko says.

"I'll take the other half I guess Dev says."

"I'll take the second floor." I say.

"When I finish my half I'll help you." Himiko says.

"Got it." I said as I walked to the second floor.

The second floor was mostly useless rooms, no surprise. It had a lot of boxes filled with useless stuff like rope and knives, if I wanted to kill someone for the motive I could always come back here. After about an hour I figured out there was no one so I went back downstairs. When I was walking down the stairs that's when I heard it.

A body has been discovered.

I had a feeling so I ran downstairs to where I see Himiko, Moto, and Dev.

"Where's the body?" I ask.

"I don't know, we didn't find it." Dev says.

"We should go in the cafeteria and wait for someone to get us." Himiko said.

"That's totally fine with me dudes." Moto said.

We all go to the cafeteria to see Lawiett, Demon, and Devito.

"It's Kaori." Devito says.


"I'm sorry, you must have it wrong it can't be Kaori-." I start to say and I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"We need to go get Misa and investigate, we will bring this killer to justice." Dev says.

I still can't believe it, me and Kaori watched a movie together last night, I even walked her to her dorm to make sure she was safe. I won't believe it until I see it.

"I-I'll go get Misa." I say and turn away trying to hold back tears.

I go up the steps towards the third floor, I go to open the door but I get a strange feeling and a shiver goes up my spine. What was that? I sigh and shake it off and open the door.

What I see when I open it is Misa laying on the floor in a pool of her own blood, with a stab wound through her heart. I stare in shock for a bit and then I rub down to go tell the others. I see Devito and Demon first.

"Guys come with me." I say.

"Why?" Demon asks in a snarky tone.

"Misa is dead and we need a discovery announcement to go off." I say.

Without another word we go back up to the third floor and i open the door.

A body has been discovered!

I expected this to come sooner or later, Misa wasn't the best person to have alive in a killing game after all.

1000 words

"Who was it?" I ask

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