Chapter 1- this wasnt supposed to happen

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I barely got any sleep last night people were yelling in the halls ... I woke up to the sound of Monokuma' s announcement that it's 7am and time to wake up. I get up and get dressed then go to the cafeteria. Everyone is there, except A and Misa. I have a bad feeling, I need to trust Misa wouldn't do that and go sit with my friends. For breakfast there is pancakes and waffles. I go and sit next to Dev.

"Hey, um do you know where Misa is?" I ask.

"Nope haven't seen her yet, why?" Dev asks.

"Well we should keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't kill A." I say while taking a bite of a pancake.

"W-why would she do that?" Kaori asks.

"Are you blind? She despises A bit I don't know why." Amai says.

We eat in silence for a while when Misa walks through the door, there is a small bit of blood on her shirt but it's visible enough that I can see it from across the cafeteria. She grabs a waffle and sits down with us. Miku comes over.

"What were you doing?" Miku asks scowling at Misa.

"Ok" Misa says taking a bite of the waffle.

"Why were you late? It been like 30 minutes we were worried about you, where is A?" She asks.

"Oh I don't know and I over slept now go away and let me eat breakfast in peace." Misa says. Miku nods and walks off.

I couldn't help but feel suspicious of Misa.

"Did you get hurt why is there a blood stain on your shirt?" I ask.

"Oh ya I accidentally stabbed myself." she says.

"Oh I can help you stop the bleeding!" Kaori says sounding thrilled to use her medical skills again.

"No, don't touch me it'll heal by itself" Misa says while laughing.

"O-oh, ok..." Kaori says visibly upset. Dev walks out to go get her camera form her dorm. We were talking when the monitor turns on.

Ding ding bing bong

"A body has been discovered!"

We rush outside and look around until we discover A in the gym, she had blood all over herself, she was tied upside down on the curtains to the stage, on the wall behind her the words "how's it hanging?" Were written in blood. There was blood streaks showing that she was dragged. It must've been a horrible way to die, and I had a suspect in mind, and by the way everyone turned to Misa who was snickering they all thought so also. Dev was there before all of us so that's why the body discovery announcement played, when 3 people find the body.

"Ahuhu~ the class trial will commence in an hour start the investigation and don't forget to check the monokuma file!" Monokuma said chuckling.

We all look at Misa who's still snickering.

"Get it? How's it hanging? And she's hanging? Hahahahaha!" She says while bursting into laughter.

Miku goes over to Misa.

"What the hell did you do?" Miku yells.

"Do you not like the joke?" Misa asks tilting her head in confusion.

"I can't believe you killed someone to do a joke!" Miku yells.

"I never said I killed anyone" Misa says.

"Misa... everything is pointing to you." I say quietly.

"What do you mean?" Misa asks.

"The blood stain, your hatred to A, the joke, and how late you were to breakfast and imediatly after the body..." I say.

"Huh, if that's everything then this will be a fun game!" She says laughing with a chaotic look in her eyes.

"Guys wait! We can't just make assumptions! We should do some investigations!" Himiko says.

"Your right." Dev says. I open my Monopad and look at the Monokuma file.

-Monokuma file-
Victim- Alita matzo

Cause of death- blood loss due to multiple stab wounds.

Death location- gymnasium

Clue 1- one of the three people who saw the body includes the killer

That's not a lot to go off of but ok.

"Hey, um Kaori this May sound odd but can you do an autopsy?" I ask.

"H-huh? Ya, if that will h-help." She says. We all work together to take A, I mean Alita down. After that Kaori does an autopsy.

"From the looks of it s-she died around 3 or 4 am..." Kaori says.

I'm adding mental notes I follow the blood trail which leads behind the bleachers. When I get behind I already see Dev who looked like she was reading something in her hand.

"Oh hi Dev, you find anything?" I ask.

"Yes, this might be a huge case changer." She says.

She hands me a note with blood on it.

Meet me behind the bleachers to discuss our plan.
-A" I read.

"What is this?" I ask.

"What if she was planning to kill Misa but like someone said in the orientation, Misa killed in self defense." Dev said.

"But why did Misa kill in a cruel way?" I ask.

"I've know Misa for a long time, maybe she was upset that A would try to kill her." Dev said.

"You should take pictures for the trial" I say and walk out of the bleachers. I look around and see bloody footprints going into the swim area. I'm guessing Misa dipped her shoes in the pool....wait.

I run back and ask Misa to see her shoes.

"Why exactly?" She asks.

"To maybe prove you're innocent." I say.

She sighs and reluctantly hand me her shoes, they are dry. So it maybe wasn't Misa who killed her? I still can't completely rule her out but maybe someone else.

I go talk to Amai.

"Hey, do you know anything yet?" I ask.

"Ya I know that three people were out late yesterday but that's it."

"Can you specify?" I ask.

"Well I heard talk and they were rebeling to show appreciation to chaco but that's it." She says.

"Is that what the ruckus was?" I ask.

"Ya I'm pretty sure." She says.

I go find others and get their alibis.

"I forgot"- Elizabeth

"I was learning a dance"-Demon

"I was playing a dating sim with Leorio since I couldn't sleep."-Moto

"I was hanging out in the gymnasium" - Misa
Not helping your case misa. I thought.

A lot of the other ones were things like I was sleeping or in my room. Eventually we did all the investigation we could and just waited around for the trial to start. Everyone was keeping a close eye on Misa.

Ding dong bing bong

"All students report to the elevator near the gymnasium and let the class trial begin!" Monokuma says over the intercom.

We all go into the elevator doors and it brings us down.

I can never be ready for this.

1146 words

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