Chapter 2: class trial

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A/N been working on this for some time lol

As we got in the elevators and went down I could feel the nervous tension in the room, there had been yet another murder, Leorio Brando, died from stabbing, in the nurses room. We all knew there was no bringing him back, the least we could do is give him some justice. The elevator stops and we all step out to get to the court room.

"Ooookkkkk class! Be ready for your class trial! Let the trial begin!" Monokuma said.

There was silence for a while because no one knew where to start.

"Ok since no one else is starting how bout I start with a topic: alibis." Misa said.

"Oh ok, I have an alibi for Kaori, Misa, myself, Himiko, Amai, and Dev." I said.

"We were all in the gym." Devito said.

"What is 'All'?" Misa asks.

"Me, Lawiett, And Roxy." He said.

"Ok that still leaves missing alibis for Miku, Moto, and Demon." Misa said.

"I was practicing dancing in my dorm room. When I heard the announcement." Demon said.

"Is there anyone that can back up Demons claim?" I ask.

"I can since I saw her going to her dorm while I was in the library." Miku says.

"I don't know where I was." Moto says.

"Moto you should start remembering or you'll be a suspect even though your probably to stupid to kill someone." Misa says.

"Hey... we should talk about the crime scene now." Himiko says.

"Well, he was found in the nurses room and he was killed because of stabbing." I say.

"And now we need to talk to Kaori about this." Dev says.

"W-Why me?" Kaori asks.

"Well, you did go to the nurses room to get bandages for Amai, so it's either he was in there so you decided to kill him real quick or you saw the body and told no one." Dev says.

"I-I didn't see anything or do anything" Kaori yells.

"Ya guys! She wouldn't kill anyone!" I say.

"Hey Rian, how long was the distance between her going in and the body discovery announcement.?" Miku asks.

"10-15 minutes I think, why?" I ask.

Then I see Misa look at Miku and it's like a light bulb goes off in her head. "I see what you mean." Misa says.

"Well no one else does! Care to tell us?" Demon asks.

"Miku, take it away!" Misa says.

"Well, what I'm saying is that what if he was killed prior to Kaori being in there, then hid the body and waited for her to go there then created a crime scene." Miku says.

"T-That's exactly what happened!" Kaori says.

"Ya...that sounds like a genius plan." Amai says to herself holding her hand to her chin.

"Miku! That's means you did it! How else do you know that's what happened!" Lawiett said.

"That's because she is probably the smartest person here AND Kaori has a pretty reliable alibi and doesn't seem like the person to kill someone." Dev said.

"T-That's right!" Kaori said.

"So the person I would suspect in this situation would be Moto." Demon says.

"That would be reasonable." I said.

"It's not Moto!" Amai said.

"How so?" I ask.

"He wouldn't do something like that!" She replies to me.

"I already feel like I know the answer." Misa said.

"What is it?" Devito asks.

"I wouldn't want to take the fun away now would I?" Misa says.

"I hope someone kill you!" Demon says.

"No you." Misa retorts.

"Just tell us this once Misa." I beg.

"Well you have to use that surprisingly big brain for how short you are to solve this." Misa says.

Hmmmm.... so the murderer killed him before Kaori went in, they then hid the body, and when Kaori left they staged the crime scene to frame her. So how did they know Kaori would be in the nurses room? Did they stalk her? Wait.

"The culprit is you Amai Suoh!" I shout.

"Muivienne!" Misa says clapping.

"W-What? That's not true!" Amai says.

"And the accomplice is Moto Kashima." I say.

"You don't know that? How would that go into play?" She asks innocently.

"You didn't actually cut your hand while cooking you did it on purpose. So you asked Kaori to help you so she can go into the nurses room but before then you killed Leorio. Moto waited in there with the body and when she let he staged the crime scene. So then you had an alibi and someone to frame! Am I wrong?" I ask.

She pauses for a bit in shock.

"No, your not." She says quietly.

"Well this was fun! Are you ready to cast your votes?" Monokuma said.

"I think we are." Misa said.

We all pull the lever to vote for Amai while she stands there hopelessly as we all sacrifice her to die.

Amai has been voted guilty.

We all look at her.

"Why did you do it?" Dev asks breaking the silence.

"Because I wanted to see my friends and family again, I'm not ready to spend the rest of my life here! I'm young! I'm supposed to be going out with my friends and looking for colleges! Not being in a killing game! And if betraying you guys who I've only known for a few weeks, tricking someone to be an accomplice, and lying is what it takes to see my family again then I'll do it!" She says while crying.

" it seems I'll never see them again anyways." She says wiping her tears.

No one said anything to her, we just stared in shock at her sudden outburst.

"Well Monokuma, I'm ready." She says while looking away from us.

"Let's give it everything we've got! Itssssss punishment time!" Monokuma says while hitting the button with the mallet.

Amai suoh has been found guilty, time for punishment.

The execution of the Ultimate Chef.

Amai was on a giant cutting board and to her right there was a giant knife that was cutting down getting closer and closer, she later there with fear in her eyes as it got closer. But right before it cut her a giant Monokuma appeared with an apron that said 'kiss the cook' he picked her up and threw her in a mixer and it mixed and she was drowning in cake batter he then put it in an oven and a few seconds later a cake came out with pink frosting that said "happy execution!"


We all stood there after watching the cruel fate that Amai was left to deal with I heard Kaori and Devito start to whine like they're about to cry but, I couldn't feel sad for Amai, she was a murderer. Was I a bad person? After all, even can I, kill someone?

End of chapter 2

5 students dead, 11 alive

1159 words.

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