Chapter 1- first class trial.

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(A/N I got the picture online)

We all go to our stands.
"Ok you know the rules vote out the blackened!" Monokuma says.

"We should just vote now the culprit is obvious!" Demon says.

Everyone starts agreeing with her.

"Actually I have evidence that might go against that." I say. Everyone turns to me.

"Oh ummm in the monokuma file it says that the murderer is one of the 3 people to discover the body to make the discovery announcement go off." I say.

"Your point is?" Miku asks.

"Well that means Dev and two others and we can only assume one of those other two is Misa so one other person saw the body." I say.

"Forgive me for interrupting but I don't agree with you" Dev says.

"Huh?" I ask.

"I followed the blood streaks behind the bleachers which leaves me to believe that Alita was killed behind the bleachers. There I found a note, it was from Alita to Misa to meet her here to discuss a plan, I find it likely that maybe Alita tried to kill Misa but Misa killed in self defense." Dev said.

Misa snickered but said nothing. I thought about this and something seemed odd.

"Why would the note be dropped by Misa? Unless if maybe Alita dropped it but then why would she have it if it was meant for Misa? How would Misa know to meet her in the gym?" I said.

"Well Misa isn't the smartest so she probably dropped it considering she didn't try to hide she killed Alita, she probably killed her during the big gathering outside of bed hours last night." Miku said.

"W-well I think rian has a point, Misa isn't that careless to leave a note detailing her connection." Kaori said.

"Just shut up already" demon said.

"S-sorry" Kaori said.

"Someone is lying about the body. Someone saw it and didn't tell us because they don't want monokuma to know they were out with the rebels." Dev said.

"Monokuma please spare the rebels and not kill them." I pleaded.

"Relax, I know who they are and I haven't killed them yet." He said.

"Can you identify them?" I ask.

"Nope!" He says.

"Other than a note that wasn't given to Misa there was no other possible way it couldn't have been her." Amai says.

"No that's wrong!" I say.

"Care to elaborate?" Dev asks.

"Well, there was bloody footprints at the blood streak, and they lead out to the swimming pool where they stop and then there's nothing, like someone jumped in, so I checked Misa's shoes and they were dry, if she would have dipped them I water they still wouldn't be completely dry and damp at least." I say.

"Elizabeth went swimming with me last night at 3am." Leorio said.

"How is that relevant?"devito asks.

"We would've seen someone with bloody shoes come in." He said.

"Ya now that I think of it I do remember Misa walking in with her shoes then putting them on when she turned the corner and walking backwards." Elizabeth said.

"Oh so you staged evidence?" Miku said.

"Ya and you guys fell for it!" Misa says laughing.

"Now we're back to square one, can't you see we are trying to help you?" I say.

Danganronpa : raising despairTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon