Chapter 2- investigation

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(Art is by Anna)1041

I check the Monopad for things we might have missed, he died from multiple stab wounds (obviously) and the murder weapon was a scalpel. It also appears there was a struggle considering the broken glass and cabinets.

"Well I think it's obvious who did it." Misa said putting her hands behind her head.

"How so?" I asked.

"It's Kaori, she was in the nurses office before this and 5 minutes after she came back there was the body discoverment announcement, and you probably helped." Misa said.

"What? Your wrong! Me or Kaori wouldn't do something like that!" I said.

"Y-Ya, it's impossible!" Kaori said.

"Well, not entirely impossible, look at what happened last time!" Misa said.

"Last time was your fault moron." Amai said.

"Exactly." I said.

"As much as we would love to deny it, the truth is practically punching you idiots in the face." Misa said.

"Misa stop being rude." Himiko said punching her in the arm.

"Hey! That hurt you stop being rude!" Misa said.

"Let's focus on looking for clues for now." Dev said.

"Your right, I will prove me and Kaori innocent." I said.

"Your such a cringe." Misa said.

"IKR." Himiko said.

"Whatever." I said.

"Lol" Dev said.

I started looking around, there are bloody soaked gloves probably to not have bloody hands after the murder was committed and the bandages for trying to clean the blood up. I look under the table just to find more blood. I start looking on his hands and find the numbers 1041 drawn on them. I feel a presence behind me.

"ACK!" I yell and turn around to see Misa behind me looking at the numbers.

"Do you know anything about these?" I ask.

"Maybe." She said smirking.

"Look, Misa, I know me and you don't see eye to eye on things but-" I said but was interrupted.

"That's because your so short!" She said.

"Hey! I'm not that short! You know what, go to hell i'm leaving!" I said walking out and hearing her laugh as I do. I sit for a while then sigh.

"Monokuma?" I ask.

He pops in out of seemingly nowhere.

"Yes?~" he says.

"Did the three people that discovered the body include the murderer?" I ask.

"Nope!" He says.

"So this means there's an accomplice, this could prove Kaori innocent!" I say.

Ding dong bing bong

Let the class trial begin!

408 words

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