Part 20~Results

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"Whoa! Here it comes!"

In the battlefield of the exams a large crocodile like question came charging at our students. Ah yes, nothing like a simple starting question.

"We can't do anything with just a knife!"

"How are we supposed to solve question 4 with this?!"

Yet another monster came at them, evil jaws ready to mental destroy the students.

Every student has to take the exam in the school's main building. In other words class E is in enemy territory and is certainly at a disadvantage. Plus the teacher was tapping! What would he tap during an exam?! Ah right, he hates the class, that's why.

"Just because you're in class E doesn't mean I'll let you cheat! We real teachers are keeping an eye on you so you won't pull anything," the teacher drawled on with a smirk. You're right, like they would bother cheating.

These questions were going to kill them.

"Are you serious about quitting if the students don't make it into the top fifty?" Professor Jelavich walked up to Koro-sensei who was watching from the cliff.


"They'll never be able to do it! Those kids were almost flunking, weren't they?!"

"Maybe before I got here. But they're my students now." Koro-sensei reached down and picked up the blade from the floor. "I've taught them how to tackle their problems. I've given them the best weapon to deal with whatever comes their way.

Of course, the students were using his techniques to stay on top. They focused just like Koro-sensei taught them, half believing it was working. One by one by one they all fell and the class gained in confidence.

Well, they did until it came around. A question none of the class was prepared for, one horrible and evil and just plain mean.

"What's the meaning of this? It's extremely unfair," Karasuma stated into his phone as the students sat in the classroom.

"Strange... I thought we told everyone. You must have forgotten to pass on the information. After all, you hardly ever come down to the main building," the other speaker explained with an annoying laugh.

"I didn't forget a thing. And it is clearly not appropriate, or fair, to change what the students are being tested on two days before the exam!"

"You don't understand, do you Mr. Karasuma? We're a preparatory school. Forcing students to deal with last minute changes is one of our methods. And down here in the main building, the principal himself taught the new material. Spectacularly so. If I may say."

Ever wanted to murder someone before? Yeah, welcome to class E consenting voice, I think you're the number one target.

"This is my fault, I've let you down," Koro-sensei sulked while facing the wall. "I don't know how to face you..."

He should not have said that as both a knife and a bullet came charging at his head.

"Fine by us," Karma said, his arm resting on Okabe's shoulder, the younger teen holding a gun was still pointed at Koro-sensei. "It's easier to attack you when your back is turned."

"Karma! Okabe! It's just depressing!"

Before Koro-sensei could say much they both threw their results down on the table. Every one of the scores were in the ninetys with Okabe adveraging around 95 while Karma averaged around 98 with 100 in maths.

"'Cuzza you I've done better than I ever have before. So, I don't want to leave class E. I enjoy this assassination class a lot more than my old one," Karma said with his signature crazed smile. "Well? What are you gonna do, huh?"

"Are you gonna make a run for it like you said?" Okabe joined his boyfriend's taunts, his own smirk on his lips.

"I think... you're just scared of us killing you!"

"Ooooh, are you scared Koro-sensei?"

"You should have told us."

"Yeah... Just say 'wahhh! I'm scared and I wanna go home!'"

Well, that made him mad. "I am not running away! I'm going to get them back during final exams!"

"Koro-sensei, as things stand now, this class has no chance," Nagisa announced getting up himself. "They may have the skill and basic knowledge to scrap past the exams but it is undeveloped and would not win them anything." Nagisa threw his own results down on the table, shocking everyone as he got a hundred in all exams. "The final exam will be harder, so, what do you plan on doing?"

Koro-sensei looked shocked as Nagisa smiled his signature smile- it probably would have been more effective with his hair down but that would just scare the class so he doesn't do that.

Koro-sensei laughed as he thought up his plans to destroy the principal.

"Nagisa," Kataokacalled after the lesson had finished. "Have you chosen your group yet?"

"Don't forget to tell me or Isoga, once you've decided."

Nagisa nodded, already having an idea on which group he wanted to be a part of.

"We don't have time for trips," Koro-sensei announced. "We have a ton of studying to do. So who wants to go on a silly school trip?" Somehow Koro-sensei had piled everything into his bags that sat beside him.

"Oh, come off it!"

"We're not staying that long!"

"Did you leave anything here?"

"Well, to be honest, I guess I have been looking forward to this." No kidding.

Nagisa sighed as he walked out of the classroom.

"I'm back!" Nagisa pulled open the door, strolling inside the cold stone wall base.

"Oh, Viper, good to see you're not dead," Bone shouted open seeing the blue haired teen.

"Don't say that about my Vi, nothing can kill him!" Zen threw his arms around Nagisa's shoulders. "Or at least, not while I'm here."

"You do realise that he is better than you," a different person stated bluntly making Zen flinch.

"Even Digit," Nagisa greeted, ducking out of Zen's arms and walking over to her.

Digit was about mid twenties with vivid blood red hair that was pulled up in a bun and hidden underneath a grey beanie. She was a scrawny person- especially to the highly athletic members that were standing in front of her. A pair of black thin framed glasses were placed on her nose. She had on a minimalistic outfit of light grey tracksuit bottoms that matched her beanie, a plain red shirt and black zip up hoodie. "Evening Vi. Oh, I forgot to tell you two. Zen will be joining you on you trip."

"He is?"

"Yes. He is going to be the sniper trying to take out Koro-sensei. I suggest you both behave."

"When don't we?" Zen wrapped his arms around my neck yet again, nuzzling into my head. "We are two little angels."

"You look more like devils to me."

Zen stuck out his tongue while Nagisa rolled his eyes, spinning in the arms to look up at Zen. Nagisa gave a quick kiss to him before sucking out his arms and going off to the training grounds.

"Nagisa! Come back here!"

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