Part 6~Octopus

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Grumily, Koro-sensei hit the classroom wall. His soft punches bouncing off the wall harmlessly.

"What's Koro-sensei doing?" Kouki looked up at his teacher without looking.

"I don't know," Touka responded, focusing on her work.

"Maybe he's punching the wall," one student guessed.

"Ah... He's mad because Karma got the better of him," Isogai muttered.

"If that's as hard as he can hit that pretty sad," Hinata stated. "The wall surrenders, Koro-sensei! What about our tests?!"

"What?! Oh! Sorry," Koro-sensei shouted, sweat dripping down his face.

"Hey Karma... You don't want to get that monster mad, you know," Teresaka teased, leaning back to look at the red haired teacher.

"Teresaka knows all about making him mad," Takuya smirked, turning around to look at Karma who didn't look bothered.

"Of course I made him mad. I almost killed him. Hey, Teresaka, Didja wet your pants after you pissed him off?" Karma watched Terasaka through his hair, smirking at his classmate.

"Wha...? I did not! That's... You wanna piece of me," Teresaka shouted, slamming his fist down on the table.

"Hey, you two! Quiet during the test," Koro-sensei scolded, his face turning red.

"Sorry, Koro-sensei. I'm done with my test now. So I'll just sit here and eat my gelato," Karma sang sweetly, pointing at a pink gelato that seemed to appear in his hand.

"You know you're not allowed to eat in class," Koro-sensei scolded. "Where did you get that anyway? Hey! That... That's my gelato! I brought it in Italy yesterday!"

"Oops, my bad. I found it in the freezer in the faculty room." Karma passed off the information as if it was nothing, smiling the whole time.

Nagisa had to close his eyes in annoyance, was Karma serious?! This whole secede was ridiculous.

"'My bad?!' I had to fly through the stratosphere to keep it from melting on my way back! And the stratosphere is cold?!"

Karm hummed in agreement to Koro-sensei's scream. "So what are you gonna do about it? Squishy-punch me?"

"'Squishy-punch?' No. I'm just going to eat what's left of my gelato!" Koro-sensei walked forward but when he got about a desk in front of Karma, his tentacles exploded.

Anti-Sensei BB were surrounding the desks, stopping Koro-sensei's approach.

Karma let out a laugh, pulling out his gun. "You fell for it again." Karma pulled his trigger, shooting at the octopus who dodged easily. "I'm going to keep this up, you know. You think I care if I disrupt your class? If you don't like it... kill my parents... kill whoever... But once you do, you won't be a teacher anymore... you'll be a monster. I've been wanting to kill a teacher." Karma pressed the gelato into Koro-sensei's chest, before dropping the cone. "Here's my test. I know I aced it. See you, Koro-sensei... Let's play again tomorrow!" Karma threw his test backwards and left without another word.

Nagisa watched the person he once considered a friend walk out, he knew that Karma was smart and probably did ace the test. Karma knew there was a line Koro-sensei can't cross and he was trying to push Koro-sensei right to that edge. It's just a shame, he does that with everybody. Pushes them right to the edge. He doesn't trust anyone. And now, not even Nagisa trusted him.

"Hmph... Thanks to him, I have to go get a new gelato. He's smart and he's right... I can't kill or harm him, if I want to keep working as a teacher. So... what should I do with him?" Koro-sensei often talked to himself while flying across the world, this time was no different.

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