Part 3~Baseball

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"The American newspapers are full of articles about the moon's destruction as well... I wish they'd put something more interesting on their front page," Koro-sensei muttered to himself, shaking his head slightly.

"Every morning before homeroom, he kicks back and relaxes behind the school building with an American newspaper and a fresh drink he picked up in Hawaii at Mach 20," Sugino repeated. "It's just like you told me. Thanks, Nagisa."

"Sure. Good luck, Sugino!"

Nagisa and Sugino hid behind two trees, watching their teacher reading a page in the K.Y. times. Nagisa had found out about this little spot quite a while ago but had never used it until now.

"Oh yeah! That cool 10 billion is mine!" Sugino held his baseball in a tighter grip, changing his stance before throwing it towards the octopus.

"Good morning Nagisa, Sugino."

Sugino let out a surprised yelp, spinning to look at his teacher. Nagisa- who already expected it to fail- turned slightly more calmly. Even though Nagisa might not move at Mach 20, he knew that Sugino was not going to hit, but it was at least good for studying.

"Come now, you should always reply when someone greets you."

"Good morning, Koro-sensei," Nagisa greeted, a small smile on his mouth. This would be fun.

"I like your idea of covering the ball in Anti-me BB's," Koro-sensei commented, "Unlike an air gun it doesn't make a sound when thrown. But, I had some time before the ball reached me. And since I can't touch BB's without hurting myself, I went over to the storeroom to get a baseball glove." Koro-sensei lifted up his hand to show the nearly caught ball. "I really do hope you manage to kill me before graduation. Time for homeroom. Okay."


Nagisa gave a final worried look to Sugino before walking off to the building, making sure to send the new footage off to the society.

"Hey Nagisa! I heard Sugino blew it when he tried to assassinate Koro-sensei this morning," Kayano whispered, making Nagisa grip onto the desk in order to not roll his eyes. "He's been depressed ever since. Don't know why... It's not like anyone else has done it."

Nagisa shook his head, saying this stuff isn't going to help Sugino nor will it get them any closer to killing him. Worrying over it was pointless.

"Report! Have you figured out a way to kill him yet?" Karasuma walked in, his other agents standing behind him.

When did he show up?

"It's impossible Mr. Karasuma," Isogai shouted, turning to face the agent.

"He's too fast," Mimura mumbled to himself in defeat. "You know what he's doing today after school? He's gonna drop by New York city to catch a baseball game. How are we supposed to kill a guy who can fly at Mach 20?!"

"I have faith that you'll succeed where the armies of the world cannot," Karasuma stated clearly. "After all, he always returns every weekday to teach you. If you don't do something about him soon, he will destroy the earth after your graduation! You saw what he did on the moon and that's just a lifeless hunk of rock! He's too dangerous to be left alive! And this classroom is the only place in the world where we can kill him!"

Nagisa had to resist the urge to roll his eyes. This was a lot to expect from a single class of untrained students.

"Nagisa, come with me."

Sighing, Nagisa got up and followed Karasuma outside and down the corridors.

"Tell me, have you found anything you didn't share with the class."

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