Part 34~Baseball

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"Game set! 3 to 1! Class 3-A wins the tournament," the announcement shouted as the crowd cheered.

Zen glared at the class D students who mourned their loss. Tanaka sighed as he spoke. "We lost. We can't beat class A with our grades and if we lose to them in sports there's nothing we can beat them at!"

"Don't say that," Takada interrupted. "Let's just watch this match and stop licking out wounds. Those losers over there are gonna come out looking a lot worse than us."

Zen chuckled to himself as the announcer shouted out across the field. "And lastly the exhibition match between class E and the varsity baseball team!" The team walked out, way too serious expressions on their face.

"Oh, come on," Kimura gasped, "how come they're taking this so serious?!"

"It's a great opportunity for the baseball team to show off to the other students," Sugino explained with sweat dripping down his brow. "And... they're expected to beat us by a landslide and win with the mercy rule. So they're not going to take it easy on us at all." Sugino met the captain's glare, not backing down in the slightest.

"Only the privileged with both brains and athletic ability can be the chosen ones. That means one had to be an excellent scholar and a warrior, Sugino. But you... you are the dress of this school- neither of those things. The likes of you can never be allowed to take centre stage. I'll crush you so badly in this fame that you and your class E friends will be ashamed to show your faces in public," the captain threatened with a smug look on his face.

"Hey, ignore them," Zen ordered, snapping his fingers in front of the class's face. "They don't matter. All that matters is that we are going to beat them. Remember the plan. Watch the target and strike without hesitation." Zen nodded at Karasuma before backing up enough to not be questioned.

"In the way," Sugaya called out, "where's coach Koro? Isn't he supposed to be leading our team?"

"Over there." Nagisa pointed over his shoulder at the far corner. "Mr Karasuma told him not to stand out. He's using the laws of perspective to hide amongst the balls. He'll signal us by changing the colour of his face."

"I see..."

Koro-sensei ducked into the ground, reappearing with different colours decorating his face.

"What's he telling us?"

Nagisa flicked through his notebook, smirking slightly at the message Koro-sensei gave them. "'Beat them even if it kills them.'"

"Right. We've got bigger fish to fry," Isogai exclaimed. "We'll never be able to kill Koro-sensei if we can't even beat this team."

"All right, let's kill 'em," Sugino shouted as the team cheered loudly.

"Class E, up to bat. Number 1, third baseman Kimura," the announcer shouted as Kimura stretched.

"No way," Kimura muttered. "It's like we're the away team and I'm the first batter facing off against the school star."

"Huh, I'm up against a mook first," the captain grumbled, twisting the ball in his hand ready to pitch.

Koro-sensei chuckled with his usual larger smile. "Let's give them a taste of baseball hell coloured by malice and tentacles."

The captain stepped back as he threw the first pitch. Kimura didn't have time to react as the backstop caught the ball.

"What an amazing pitch by Shindo," the announcer screamed in excitement. "Kimura from class E didn't even move! You could at least swing the bat! Make an effort!"

Zen growled, physically restraining himself from attacking the class D idiots as Kimura calmed himself down and looked to Koro-sensei for guidance. He pulled down his helmet as he took his position.

"Shindo winds up for his second pitch and he throws!" Shindo sent the ball soaring, reaching the impressive spread of 87 mph but it wasn't fast enough. Kimura hit the ball with ease. "What?! A bunt! The ball rolled into the perfect spot... The infielders can't decide which of them should get it!"

Zen smirked. Kimura was the fastest in the class, it doesn't take much effort for him to get to first base.

"Safe! Well, that's a surprise! Class E made it to first base with no outs!"

The team was not happy. "Cheap tricks. Nothing to worry about, just shows they're amateurs. They won't be able to bunt again if we stay alert."

"Number 2, catcher Shiota," the announcer shouted as Nagisa walked up. He looked at Koro-sensei, nodding at the information he received. Another bunt. "This time, it's a strong bunt along the third-base line! The third baseman moved up too far! The ball rolled right past him!"

Nagisa knew he could do a lot better, he practised with Zen enough to bat it out but he trusted Koro-sensei's judgement.

"Runners on first and second with no outs!"

Nagisa could tell the team was getting more annoyed. They may be good players but even professionals can't deal with bunts. And this team didn't just have Zen to practice against, they had an octopus keeping them up to speed. Takebayashi bunted the next pitch, easily reaching base.

"Shindo must be having a bad day," the announcer tried to defend but no one was believing it as Sugino walked up to bat. He held the bat, ready to bunt the pitch but it was so much more. With everyone in place, Shindo was like a caged animal waiting for the slaughter.

Shindo tried to ignore it as he went to pitch but as the ball went flying, Sugino pulled back. One precise stab and this will truly begin.

"It's a high fly ball! It's flying straight over the outfield!" Sugino dropped the bat running off as fast as he could. "A three-base hit that cleared all the runners. I wasn't expecting this. Class E is leading with 3 points!

Zen cheered with the class when his eyes caught something else. The figure walked closer to the coach, the dark aura surrounding the headmaster."You look pale, Terai sensei. Are you ill? You better take a break. Your team seems to be having trouble demonstrating their prowess. I'm glad you're ill. Because if you weren't ill... there's no way a coach as incompetent as this would be employed at my school." Mr Asano leaned in as the coach fell down. "Ah, you have a terrible fever. Someone bring him to the infirmary! I'll take over as the baseball coach for the time being. Time out, please."

Mr Asano walked out, calling attention to him and away from class E's early celebration.

The coach reached out to him. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I'm just going to educate them a bit."

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