Part 11~'Enjoyable' Encounters

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Zen charged into the alleyway. He grabbed the familiar man by his collar and shoved him into the wall. His shaggy black hair nipped at his shoulder, his grey, sickly skin stretching over his bones and his stupid duffle coat was covered with dirt and grime. "Zen, always a pleasure."

"Let's get this over quickly cause as far as I am concerned, I want to leave this disgusting... place as quickly as possible. Now tell me, did you or did you not sell goat's blood to anyone in the last few days," Zen growled, slamming the man into the wall over and over again.

"And why should I tell you?"

Instead of answering rationally, Zen punched the man in the gut and slammed him back into the wall. "Does that answer your question?"

"Fine. Yes. But I'm not a squealer, you would know that. I'm not going to tell you." The man smirked as Zen growled lowly. 

Punching him in his jaw, Zen threw the man across the space. Pulling out the radio, he pulled out the airel and turned it on. "You there Digit?"

"Yeah. What do you need?" 

"Go get Sawbone. Tell them I've got some information I need to get out." Zen smirked as the man visibly paled and backed up. 

"Oh, they'll be glad to hear that."

Zen walked forward, pulling up the man and dragging him out. Karasuma and Koro-sensei both gave them a worried look making Zen stop for a brief second. "If you two want to stay clean, I suggest you leave this to me." 

Before the two could say anything else, Zen walked away.

"Should we report that," Koro-sensei asked, pointing his yellow finger at the two.

"Probably not. We should get back to the rest of the students."

Nagisa sighed, looking out the window. He moved his fingers in the familiar pattern, slowly tracing the image out of his head. Shimmering, messy hair fell around his chiseled face. There were the shiny, delighted eyes that despite only being a line drawing showed so much more emotion and lastly a jaw you could grate cheese on.

"Will you stop pinning in the corner, it's getting annoying," Okabe grumbled making Nagisa look up. Okabe placed the last picture of him inside Nagisa's bag- hopefully he will get the chance to burn them when they get out but until then he just needed to make sure no one could find them.

"Like you are any better than me. At least my crush might have a chance in getting me out of here."

"Karma wouldn't rest until I am safe!"

"Karma doesn't know who you are."


Smiling, Nagisa leaned back, his hair falling and touching the floor. 

"He does know who I am," Okabe exclaimed loudly. "He saved my life, multiple times, might I add."

"If you say so."

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

Zen walked into the classroom, everyone looked at him in slight fear. He was covered head to toe in blood. "Don't worry, it's goat blood. Cheap shot decided to cover me in it when I took him back. Little squealer squawked the second Bone brought out their knife. Said a man in a black knife fitting Black's description came in and asked for a snake fang and some goat's blood."

"That's great and all but that doesn't help us find Nagisa," Karama snapped, unhappy that his professional revival had been kidnapped. 

"It helps because while he was paying he dropped a receipt for a hotel room in the city. And Billy has an eidetic memory, meaning he knows which hotel, which room and the exact price Black paid for it," Zen explained, flipping out a random piece of paper that had the necessary details written down.

"Great! Let's go."

"Hold on a second," Koro-sensei stepped in, placing a tentacle on Karma's shoulder. "We can't just go bumbling in with no plan. We need to get you out of that bloody outfit and we need a cover!" Koro-sensei disappeared for a second, reappearing dressed as a businessman. Nose and all. 

Rolling his eyes, Zen turned to leave. 

"Where do you think you are going?!"

"I'm going to get changed like you want me to. I'll meet you at the hotel with a friend of mine. We will go around the back and make our way up while you lot go in the front. We will give you the necessary funds to pay for a room then search every floor until you find them." Zen didn't bother waiting for an answer as he made his way out and to his home.

"Do you think they are coming?" Nagisa laid on the floor with his arms spread out to his sides. 

Okabe laid on the floor next to him with a similar bored expression. "I think if they are, they will get us killed."

"That's true." Nagisa groaned, placing his hand on his forehead. "We are going to die here, aren't we?"

"Yep. Especially if it is up to them to save us."

"We are doomed."

"Yeah. Double doomed."

Zen tapped his foot on the sidewalk, waiting for the class to show up. He was dressed in his usual outfit, the familiar white jumper on, this time having the words 'this is my too tired to function jumper' inscribed on the front in black. He had the usual black ripped jeans on and black trainers on. Lastly, he had the necklace hanging loosely out his jumper, Zen playing with the tooth- no the fang- the was tied on.

Next to him stood a tall adult with short dark brown hair with a sweeping fringe coming across their face. They were lean and had a small cut going across their chin. They wore a loose white shirt with black leather jacket. A pair of blue jean shorts was pulled on their legs along his knee length white socks and black leather boots. 

"This your friend," Karma asked, walking up to the duo. "Should have guessed."

"Karma," they greeted, their eyes cold and a smirk on her face.


Zen walked forward before the two could get in a fight, he motioned everyone into a circle. Koro-sensei, Karasuma, Karma, Kayano and Sugino had all come. "Right, Karasuma, the girl and the other boy will go in the front with Bone. Koro-sensei, Karma and I will go around the back and sneak onto the roof."

"Why is that?" Sugino didn't look too happy about the plan but Zen wasn't backing down.

"Because you can pose as a family. Karasuma is the most normal looking man and can protect you if things go wrong while you two can pose as siblings on a family holiday. And trust me, if you ever need a distraction, Bones here is the best person to call. Then Karma, Koro-sensei and I all know how to handle ourselves and can easily get in. Plus there is no way he is getting past security," Zen said, pointing over his shoulder at Koro-sensei who looked offended despite the fact he was smiling. "Everyone in agreement? Great, let's go."

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