Part 13~An Eye For An Eye

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"Black Shot."

Nagisa didn't wait a beat, charging forward and swiping with his knife. Black jumped back, deflecting the weapon away. Okabe took his chance, jumping up and over Nagisa, kicking the man across his face. Black shot did not look pleased, he brought out one of his guns, aiming it at Okabe. Thankfully, just as he pulled the trigger, Nagisa kicked his hand, making him shoot the ceiling. 

Grabbing his hand, Nagisa attempted to get the gun away from Black. Wrestling with him and successfully twisting his hand. He screamed in pain, dropping the gun to the floor. Okabe jumped up behind him, hitting Black across the back of his neck. The assassin wasn't having any of it, he threw Nagisa into Okabe and picked up his gun once again. 

Nagisa found himself staring down the barrel of the gun, Black Shot smirking. "Goodbye Viper, I should have killed you long ago." Black pulled his trigger. 

Okabe threw his arm in front of them, bracing for the pain. He let out an agonised scream as the bullet hit his muscle.

Karma ran down the corridors, Zen was shooting at the security guards while Koro-sensei was stopping most of the bullets from actually hitting. They needed to get to Nagisa and Okabe. The further down they got the more people they had to battle. Karma jumped to the side, flipping the attack over his shoulder and into the floor. Kex spun around, redirecting his fire at the new attackors. 

"Stop shooting them," Koro-sensei scolded him, moving the people out of the way. 

"Do you have a better idea?!"


"Well, start putting them into action, Teach! It's that or we are all dead," Karma shouted, knocking out the next attacker. 

Koro-sensei's smirk grew even larger as the green stripes came back. "Gladly." His tentacle flew out, hitting out each of the attackers. 

Zen froze for a second, staring at the octopus. "Okay. That was cool."

"Lets just go get Okabe and Nagisa," Karma grumbled, running off the continue their search. 

"Nagisa!" Kayano pulled open the next door, peeking into the abandoned room. Without a clue to their friends' location, Kayano, Sugino, Karasuma and Bones decided it best to just search every room. Bones had easily swiped a key card and unlocked the rooms. 

Grumbling under their breath, Bones slammed the door they had been holding shut. "This is pointless! If Vi or Bleechy were here we would be able to hear them! They ain't the quietest of kids!"

"What do we suggest we do then?" Kayano took the key, unlocking the next door and accidentally walking in one three drag queens who were practicing their performance. She clapped in applause before closing the door and giving the key to Sugino.

"Anything would be more efficient than this," Bones pointed out as Sugino pulled open the next door, being attacked by three angry excitable dogs. 

"Well, unless you have X-ray vision, I suggest we keep doing this." Kayano took the card from Sugino who had been pulled out from under the piles of fluff by Karauma. She opened the next door, seeing two young women sitting on the bed watching Netflix. "Oh, is that the season finale of 'New Queen'?"

"Kayano!" Sugino dragged out the green haired girl before she could get too distracted, apologising to the occupants who looked confused. "We don't have long before those concierges finish with Karma, Zen and Koro-sensei and realise we are here."

Sighing, the others nodded and continued the tedious method. Thankfully- or not- this didn't continue for long as loud gun bangs came from up stairs. 

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