Part 1~New target

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Sluggishly, Nagisa moved around with a sigh. He hunched over in the seat glaring at the agents that sat on the couch in front of him. This target would definitely be interesting. He picked up the almost useless toys that his boss gave him. It's rubber. Nagisa took a deep breath, he knew his boss wouldn't give him something that was useless, just misleading.


Nagisa walked up the mountain, his hair pulled up into two buns at the side of his head. To anyone watching, it wouldn't seem weird at all, normal kid, going to his normal school. Sadly, nothing about this was normal. Nagisa was not a normal kid, and this was not a normal school.

No, no, this was one of the best schools in the area and it had extremely high standards. That's where class E came in, this was where the students would go if they didn't do well, if they were misbehaved, or both.

Nagisa was here for his 'atrocious' grades, it wasn't as if he couldn't get perfect marks on the tests, his boss made sure that all the employees could pass all the subject and apply them to normal life, it's just, Nagisa didn't want to be in class A, or any of those spoilt classes at all. He was happy at the top of the mountain. After all, it's best to control the world from the top, when they don't see you at all.

Nagisa glared through his long hair, he let it down whenever the clients were here, which made him creepy, apparently. "Maybe... Tell me, why come to us." Nagisa was in his usual assassin outfit, he had a white t-shirt on, hidden under black hoodie with a green snake icon over his heart. Around his waist there was a green flannel tide just above his black ripped jeans. Lastly he had a choker on with a green viper charm.

"Vi is right, you goodie two shoes never come to assassins for help, what makes him any different." To the side of Nagisa, Zen stood tall and proudly. His silver hair shining in the single light brightened the dark room and showed off Zen's orange highlights. He was tall and muscular but looked scrawny and unthreatening. He wore a white hoodie with the words 'too tired to care' inscribed on the front in black words. He wore black ripped jeans and had a necklace showing an animal tooth.

"He is going to destroy the world, we will take anyone who thinks they can kill him," the agent says disgruntledly, not happy that they wouldn't just agree to the cash, it was a large amount after all. This agent, Karasuma, wasn't too happy about putting an assassin inside the classroom but anything goes.

"Very well," Sawbone got up, walking to the filing cupboard at the side, her short brown hair fell silently out of place as she walked, limping slightly from the useless prosthetic leg that was replacing her good one until it could get fixed from the bullet wound "Sign these and we have a deal." Saw threw down two contracts for the agents to read over. When she walked into the light it showed off her black long sleeved shirt and black trousers, both hidden in a long white lab coat with many questionable steins covering it.

"What's this?" The agent didn't seem too happy.

"It's routine, Zen makes us do it. You sign at the bottom saying you understand that we will kill the target and the money you will pay us. If you go back on your word, this document will be uploaded to every social media network known, using a partially stubborn computer virus Digit made. Nasty thing, really don't want it working against you." Nagisa smiled while laughing to himself. He did enjoy playing with police and government agents. It was rare for them to pay him a visit without it ending in blood.

"Yes, and if you hurt Vi during this, you'll find that over everything before you can say 'don't.'" Digit spun around in her chair to look at Karasuma with a smirk. She had red hair that was pulled up in a bun and was hidden under a beanie. She had her leg pulled up onto the chair, grey jogging bottoms on her and a loose grey zip up hoodie on that cover the tips of her fingers. Underneath she had black long sleeved shirt.

"Very well, everything seems in order," the older of the two agents said while signing the paper he was given. The younger looked shocked but a glare shut her up.

"Perfect! When do I start?" Nagisa jumped up, holding out the rubber knife to the agent's throat.

"Now, then let's begin homeroom," the form room teacher announced once he walked into the room. "Class monitor, at your command."

"Stand!" Together all the students stood up.

Nagisa got up himself, pointing the gun at his target. Once yellow was in his target, he smirked.


"How's about Monday."


Nagisa pulled his trigger, spraying the teacher with pink BBs. The class attempted to shoot down the octopus standing at the front of the room.

Truthfully, Nagisa saw no need to do this, it was too sporadic, but it would be good to get an idea of the octopus's movements. It was interesting to watch, hard to keep up with, but not too bad.

Annoyingly, the octopus read out roll call while the guns were going off. Cocky prick, worse kind of man, best kind of target. Play to their egos, and watch them fall into your palm.

"All right. Everyone on time, I see. Excellent!" The octopus smirked, his face turning bright red with a circle painted on it. "That makes me very happy."

"He's way too fast," Nakamura grumbled as she lowered her gun.

"So even the whole class at once can't bring him down?" Isogai slouched over unhappy.

"Too bad," the octopus teased the class. "Not one of your bullets hit me today, either. Tactics that rely on sheer numbers neglect individual focus. Be it line of sight, barrel position, or finger movement each of you was far too easy to read. You need to be more inventive! Otherwise, you'll be able to kill me. I can speed up to Mach 20, you know?"

"But, like, see... There's no way you seriously dodged all of those!" Maehara accused, while glaring at the octopus.

"I mean, these are just BB pellets," Sugino said while observing one of the bullets we were meant to use. "You coulda just taken them on the chin."

"Yeah! That's right!"

I shock my head at that, could they really not see him moving.

"Very well. Gather up the BBs and hand them over. I told you, these may be harmless to you..." The octopus took Okano's gun, carefully pointing it at one of his tentacles. Suddenly, he pulled the tentacle, easily slicing through it. "But they're special anti-me BB pallets developed by the government. If one hits me, it'll slice right through my cells like tofu. They'll regenerate a few seconds later, of course." The octopus's tentacle regenerated and formed. "I'm more concerned about you putting a classmate unless you're out. No shooting in the classroom unless you're trying to kill me." Green stripes appeared on the octopus's face. "And I do hope you can kill me- before graduation, that is. Now then, let's put away the arms and ammunition and begin class."

Welcome to class 3E, the last place for failure, or at least that is what the rest of the world thinks, but this year the class is getting another chance, to become greater than ever before. In this classroom, on top of the mountain, away from society all together, a new generation is coming forth, and the rest of the world so be afraid.

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