Part 36~Sweets

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Nagisa sighed as he rubbed his eyes. It was way too quiet. It was nerve-wracking when Okabe and Karma weren't here. Nagisa yelped as Karasuma flipped him onto his back. Nagisa rolled over, easily sitting up again.

Nagisa rubbed his neck as he looked up at Karasuma who was already apologising. Nagisa couldn't help but laugh as he shuffled away. He might have slipped back into old habits mid-fight. It was lucky he didn't snap Karasuma's neck.

As training finished, the girls tried to talk to Karasuma but he still had work to do and walked off to the building.

"Yo, Karasuma!"


Everyone looked up at the larger man standing in Karasuma's way. The man had several bags in his hands. He looked like he had just gone on a shopping spree.

"Hey! I'm Takaoka Akira, and I'll be assisting Karasuma as of today! Nice to meet you, E class!" The larger man walked down with a wide smile. Nagisa didn't trust this man.

Nagisa narrowed his eyes at the desserts and treats Takaoka had laid out for them.

"Go on, eat up," Takaoka announced, opening up his arms. "I emptied my wallet for this, so don't hold back!"

"You sure know your brand-name sweets," Yada complimented as she leaned in.

"Honestly, when it comes to me and sugar, we're in love!" Takaoka stuck out his tongue as his eyes sparkled.

Nagisa cautiously took one of the eclairs, his eyes searching Takaoka. "So, will you be taking over P.E tomorrow?"

"Yep! Orders from headquarters. Gotta lessen Karasuma's load, so-" Takaoka stopped mid explanation as he turned to Koro-sensei who was drooling over Nakamura's shoulder. "Oh, you must be Korosensei! Help yourself! We're still gonna kill you one day, though." Takaoka let out a booming laugh that sounded like chalk on a whiteboard to Nagisa.

"Fore colleagues, you and Karasuma-sensei are like night and day," Kimura commented as Nagisa resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"You're like a neighbourhood dad," Hara added sweetly.

"Dad, huh? I like that," Takaoka joked as he hugged Nakamura and Mimura. "We're in the same class, so that makes us family, right?"

Nagisa sighed as he looked away. "If you're like my family that doesn't sound too far off."

"Great! The gang's all here! Now things might start to get a little tough, but I'll have more delicious treats for you when it's all over!" Takaoka placed his hands on his hips as he talked cheerfully.

"Sure you're not just saying that because you want to eat them," Isogai joked lightly.

"Well, there's a reason I'm this chubby, you know?"

Nagisa didn't say anything as the class laughed.

"Now then, with your new training regimen, comes a new schedule!" Takaoka held out the colour coordinated sheet as Nagisa shot up from his relaxed position.

"You've got to be joking!" Everyone else seemed to share Nagisa's shock as they read and gasped at the ten-period spreadsheet.

"But of course! Following this curriculum will boost your abilities by leaps and bounds! Let's get to work!"

"Hey, wait a minute! This is impossible," Maehara claimed as he jumped up. "With so little time for learning, our grades will plummet! And what about free time? We can't do this!"

Takaoka scratched the back of his beck as he grabbed Maehara's hair. He pulled Maehara down, kicking him in the stomach. Nagisa was up in a second, ready to charge at Takaoka.

"'We can't,' nothing. You will," Takaoka hissed as he dropped Maehara. Nagisa ran up, checking over Maehara as he resisted the urge to tear Takaoka apart right there and then. "It's like I said: we're family, and I'm the dad. Show me a family that doesn't do as the dad says. If you want to sit out, sit out. I'll use my authority to bring in new students to replace you. But I don't want to have to do that. After all, you're my precious family. A father doesn't want to lose even a single one of his children. Let's save the world together, kids- as a family!"

Takaoka hugged Mimura and Kanzaki, making them both freeze.

"Well? You're coming along with your old dad, right?"

Kanzaki fearfully stood up as she spoke. "Well... I, um... I don't want to. I'd rather have Karasuma-sensei's classes." she finally announced as Nagisa's eyes widened.

Takaoka swung his arm around, hitting the body in front of him.

Nagisa hissed as he dug his feet into the ground. Even his power and technique couldn't stop him from going flying. Kanzaki gasped as she watched Nagisa sit up. A clear bruise was forming on Nagisa's cheek as Nagisa spat out blood.

"Seems you still don't understand," Takaoka claimed as Nagisa glared at him. "The only answer here is 'yes.' If that's a problem, we can talk it out with our fists. That's one of your old dad's specialities!"

"You're nothing like my dad because if you were, you'd know to run," Nagisa growled, making Takaoka's eyes widen in crazed insanity.

"Takaoka, stop!" Karasuma ran over, kneeling beside Nagisa who smirked. "Are you alright? Does your neck hurt?"

"I'm fine but Zen is going to be pissed when he finds out about this."

"And you, Maehara-kun?"

"Y-yeah, fine." Maehara was clearly in pain but it wasn't like he was bleeding.

"I'm going easy on them, Karasuma," Takaoka announced with a closed fist.  "After all, they're my family."

"No, they're not your family. They're my students." Koro-sensei growled as his tentacles flew around him. "Just what have you been up to while my back was turned?"

"Got a problem, monster?" Takaoka pushed off Koro-sensei without a problem. "P.E is my class to run. And these punishments fall well within the bounds of education. I don't have much time to train up these assassins to kill you. Of course, I need to be tough on them. What's your problem? Just because your views on education differ, is that any reason to attack a man who never did you any harm?"

The more Takaoka talked the angier Koro-sensei got. Nagisa sighed. He should have skipped with the others.

Nagisa groaned as he did the squats. He hated squats. Koro-sensei and Karasuma couldn't do anything against Takaoka leaving the students to endure this torture.

"Th-this isn't funny," Sugaya groaned in pain.

"Three hundred squats? We'll die," Okajima complained as Kurahashi collapsed.

"Karasuma-sensei," she called out, begging for help.

"Hey, now. Karasuma is not part of our family," Takaoka growled, cracking his knuckles. "Punishment time. This is what happens to kids who don't rely on their dad alone!" Takaoka swung his arm at Kurahashi but her call was heard.

Karasuma caught Takaoka before he could lay a finger on Kurahashi. "That's enough. If you want to get violent, get violent with me."

"I figured it was about time you stuck your nose in, Karasuma. It's like I said: this isn't violence, it's education. I don't want to engage with you through violence. If we do face off, it'll be as teachers. Choose the best student you trained, Karasuma. They can fight me and if their knife so much as touches me, I'll concede that your style of education is better than mine and take my leave." Takaoka walked to his bag, rifling through as he threw the fake knife over his shoulder. "But we won't be using these old things," Takaoka spun around with the same insanity in his eyes. He stabbed the ground, impaling the anti-koro-sensei knife. "Your target will be me, a human being, so naturally, you'll need a real kife."

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