Part 5~P.E

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"One, two... Three, four... Five, six, seven, eight..."

"Ah, how I love the sound of students playing out on the sports field. It's so peaceful," Koro-sensei admired, twisting a flower between his tentacles.

"One, two... Three, four... Five, six, seven, eight..."

"If only they weren't wielding weapons..."

Standing in the field, the students of class 3-E were swinging back and forth with their rubber knives.

"Again, from attack stance one," Karasuma ordered, shouting out across the space. "I thought I told you to take a break. I'm the new P.E teacher. You're not listening, are you? Leave us alone. Play in the sandbox or something." Karasuma pointed to the single box, doing his best to remove the annoying octopus.

"Why are you so mean, Mr. Karasuma? The students loved my P.E class," Koro-sensei grumbled, tears pooling down his face.

"Not really," Sugaya interrupted. "Like the other day, your side-stepping exercise..."

The students all shivered in a collective memory of Koro-sensei's extreme showing off.

"It was pretty cool," Nakamura stated, holding her chin slightly.

"Yeah, but I want to learn P.E for human bodies," Isogai grumbled, sighing deeply.

"Finally some peace and quiet. Let's get on with the class," Karasuma commanded as Koro-sensei went to sulk in the sand pit.

"Why are we doing this, Mr. Karasuma? Especially with our target right in front of us... watching out every move," Maehara pointed out, looking at his knife in confusion.

Karasuma and Nagisa shared an equal look of disepare before Karasuma started the explanation. "Assassination is a skill like any other. The better you know the basics, the better you'll perform."

Nagisa nodded in agreement, remembering the number of times his boss made him repeat the basics of every technique. It was annoying, but useful.

"For example, let's see... Isogai! Maehara! Try and hit me with that rubber knife," Karasuma ordered, pointing at himself.

"What...? Are you sure? The two of us? At the same time," Isogai asked as if the concept was the most complicated maths puzzle in the world.

"It won't hurt humans. If you hit me, I'll let class out early," Karasuma offered, making the students forget about the earlier confusion.

"Okay." Isogai lunged forward first but Karasuma dodged to the side.

"That is?" Karasuma smirked slightly as Isogai almost fell over. Maehara swung forward but Karasuma simply swiped his arm out the way. Again and again, they tried to attack their teacher and were simple swatted away like annoying flies. "See what you can do, with a little training?"

"Damn," the boys cursed together before launching together. Karasuma caught their wrists and flipped them over.

"If you can't hit me, how are you going to hit someone who can move at Mach 20? We must have bored him," Karasuma said after cooling down slightly. "He changed his outfit, made green tea and built a sand castle. If you can improve your skills enough to hit me, you'll better your chances of hitting him."

Karasuma looked over at the octopus who was grinning proudly. He moved closer to the students, offering out his hands and pulling them up.

"Knives, pistols, sniper rifles, assault weapons.... The basics of assassination... You're going to learn them all in my class."

Everyone smiled as the class ended, turning around to go get changed.

"Mr. Karasuma's kinda scary but he's cool," Yada commented to Kurahashi.

"Yeah! I think I'm going to enjoy P.E from now on."

"Mr. Karasuma... You're trying to win them over, aren't you?" Koro-sensei bit onto a handkerchief, sweat dripping down his yellow face.

"What kind of joke is this? 'The school district may add extra teachers to provide assistance at any time if the need arises.' If I remember your contract correctly..." Karasuma spun around, letting a knife go barrelling toward Koro-sensei and hit a tree. " My job is to oversee these assassinations until they assassinate you."

"I have a name," Koro-sensei teased, his already large grin somehow getting bigger. "The students gave it to me, please call me Koro-sensei."

"We have a test after this," Isogai grumbled to Nagisa who laughed.

"It would be awesome if P.E was our last class for the day," he joked back though his reasons were slightly different. Mainly being 'if P.E was last he wouldn't have to warm up when he got to training.'

Nagisa suddenly stopped, noticing the person standing on the hill his stomach filled with dread.

"Look who's here... Karma... You're back," Nagisa fake cheered, not sure whether to be happy about his friend showing up or to be worried that he still would be mad about last time.

"Hiya. Long time no see, Nagisa," Karma said sweetly.

Shit, he's still mad.

"Woah! So that's Koro-sensei? He looks like an octopus. Freaky," Karma ran down the hill and too the target.

"Karma Akabane? You were supposed to come to class this morning," Koro-sensei started, his face turning red. "Being late on your first day back from suspension doesn't look good."

"Heh heh. I got used to sleeping in," Karma teased. "Kidding! Sorry, I'm late. It's nice to meet you, Koro-sensei!"

"Nice to meet you too. I look forward to a productive year together." Koro-sensei reached out to take Karma's hand.

Before Koro-sensei could work out what was happening, his hand exploded. Karma slid out a knife from his sleeve and tried to hit him but Koro-sensei was out the way and across the field.

"Wow... You are fast. And they weren't lying when they said this would hurt you. Even little tiny slivers like this," Karma awed, looking at his palm that had small green shards stuck to the skin. "I can't believe it, you fell for the oldest trick in the book! And look at you way over there, you scared? Bwak, bwak, bwak... Koro-sensei... that's a play on 'Koro Senai,' isn't it? 'Can't kill...'" Karma walked close to Koro-sensei, leaning into his personal space. "You know... I think they got your name wrong."

"Nagisa... I haven't been in Class E that long, so... Who's that guy? What's his story?" Kayano pointed at Karm, confusion on her face.

"Well... we were in the same class my first and second year... But he kept getting suspended for fighting. Ordinary teachers couldn't handle him. I guess they finally sent him to 3-E. But knowing Karma... he'll be at the head of the class in no time," Nagisa explained, a dark aura surrounding him for a split second.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"When it comes to weaponry, battle tactics and sneak attacks... Karma is probably the best out of all of us." Other than Nagisa that is, and that little assassin, was not going to let Karma steal his target.

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