Part 38~Vision

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Nagisa groaned as he woke up. He could hear Zen's slow breathing and his rhythmic heartbeats. He smiled as he buried himself in Zen's warmth. Zen's eyes fluttered open as he chuckled and pulled Nagisa closer. Zen played with Nagisa's hair as they both enjoyed their moments alone.

"Are you two going to spend the whole morning cuddling or you coming for breakfast?" Bone laughed as they leaned on against the doorframe.

Zen shot up, throwing the nearby clock at bones who ducked out of the way. Bone chuckled as they made their way back to the kitchen.

Nagisa sighed as he tried to escape from Zen's arms. "Come on Zen, let me go. I've got school."

"No. You still haven't told me what happened last night. I haven't seen you that upset since... well since it first happened."

Nagisa rubbed his eyes as he laid his head against Zen's shoulder. "Please don't. It wasn't that big a deal."

"You cried. You never cry."

"I was just reminded of them okay. I'm fine. I'm hungry but I'm as emotionally stable as I usually am."

"You've never been emotionally stable."

"Exactly." Nagisa jumped up, stretching out his arm and clicking his shoulder. "Get dressed, we have a mission for you. And if you do it well we have a new toy for you to play with." Nagisa smiled as Zen jumped up.

Walking into the kitchen, Nagisa greeted the others as he ate.

"Oh, Vi, I almost forgot," Digit called out as she swiped through her phone. "The boss wants to meet with you and the new kid tomorrow."

Nagisa groaned as he slammed his head on the table. "Why can't Zen do it? He's the one who brought Karma into all this."

"You know the rules, Vi. It has to be someone who can give an evaluation of the newbie who hasn't been training them. Since none of us knows him, it's up to you."

"Hang on a second, can't I do it," Okabe asked as he sat down.

"You don't work here," Digit pointed out as Okabe froze.

He opened and closed his mouth a few times as his eyes flickered. "Well shit. I don't. I forgot I didn't actually work here."


"Right, are you actually going to show up to school today or you skipping again," Nagisa asked grumpily as Okabe shuffled away.

"But it's so hot."

Nagisa sighed as he grabbed the back of Okabe's collar. "Come on you big baby."

Zen groaned as Nagisa dragged him the way to school.

"Hey, what's up, Zen in trouble or something?" Karma pointed at Zen who instantly brightened up.

"Karma!" Zen jumped up, hugging Karma tightly.

"Morning Zen. Hey, Nagisa. Oh, I heard you really knocked out some guy the other day. I sure wish I could've seen that assassination of yours," Karma said as Nagisa smirked.

"Yeah, I hated that guy."

Karma let out a laugh as the day began. Koro-sensei built a pool for us but refused to get in... weird.

"Nagisa... You... You're a boy," Nakamura muttered as Nagisa sighed.

"And what's with all the scars," Fuwa asked as Nagisa groaned.

"Yes I'm a guy, and as for these, they each have their own story. Most of which I would prefer not to tell right now." Nagisa crossed his arms over his chest as Okabe jumped out of the water.

The Assassin WithinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora