Part 37~The Assassin's Job

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Karasuma didn't know what to do as he stared at Takaoka. "Enough! They're neither trained nor prepared to kill a human!"

"Relax. Stopping just before contact will still count as a hit. And I'm bare-handed. What more of a handicap do you want?" Takaoka smirked as he remembered this trick. He had used it more than once to get some underlings to obey. "Well, Karasuma? Pick one! It's that, or obey me unconditionally!" Takaoka threw the knife at Karasuma's feet as the male picked it up.

Looking over his shoulder, Karasuma eyed up each terrified student. Could he really ask one of them to do this? Karasuma's eyes suddenly widened as he resisted the urge to laugh. He didn't need to ask a terrified student to do this. He didn't need to because he had a pissed off assassin hiding in the crowd. "Nagisa-kun, will you do it?"

"Wait, why Nagisa?" The other student didn't understand but the secret understanding between Karasuma and Nagisa went far beyond Nagisa's occasional slip up in skill.

"As someone who charged you with an assassination mission to save the Earth, I consider you all fellow professionals. As such, I believe the least you deserve in return is the guarantee of a normal junior-high life. So you don't have to take this knife if you don't want to. I'll make every effort to have Takaoka continue to provide you with what you're owed."

Nagisa hid the smirk crossing his face. Basically what Karasuma was saying was that 'as a professional killer, pretending to be a junior high kid, Nagisa didn't have to take the knife and could continue undercover if he wanted to.' Of course, both of them knew that was not going to happen.

Nagisa reached out, taking the knife. "I'll do it," he announced calmly, biting onto the knife.

"Your eyes must be going bad, Karasuma," Takaoka teased as Nagisa stretched out his arms. Not even Ms Vitch understood Karasuma's choice.

"Just don't kill him," Karasuma whispered as Nagisa nodded.

Takaoka threw off his jacket as he raised his fists. "Bring it on!" Nagisa watched the thoughts running through Takaoka's mind. Takaoka thought Nagisa would be afraid to use a knife, he thought Nagisa would be untrained, he thought Nagisa was a student. That will kill him.

Reaching his hand up, Nagisa did something he never did in school.

He let down his hair. The long blue locks fluttered in front of his eyes, swaying from side to side in the soft wind. A smile came to his face as he walked forward. It was just like normal; just like walking to school.

Nagisa bounced off Takaoka as he walked into the fake teacher. Takaoka barely dodged as Nagisa swiped up. The knife easily cut off small strands of Takaoka's hair. Nagisa's eyes shone through his hair, making him look insane. Nagisa chuckled, he could see the panic run through Takaoka's eyes.

He realised he was going to die; that's when he realised he was about to be murdered.

Takaoka fell backwards, too startled to keep his balance. This was going to be too easy. Grabbing onto Takaoka's arm, Nagisa threw the 'teacher' over his shoulder, jumping onto Takaoka's back and pushing his head into the ground. Nagisa could feel Takoaka shaking as he placed the blade against Takaoka's neck, a smirk on his face. "I win," Nagisa claimed as he gave the smallest cut to Takaoka's neck.

Nagisa swiftly noticed the staring eyes as he gasped. "Oh no! I didn't mean to actually hurt him!" Nagisa hopped off Takaoka, dropping the knife beside him.

"Don't worry about it Nagisa, that cut will clear up easily," Koro-sensei claimed as he picked up the knife. "We have a winner, Karasuma-sensei. Honestly, what were you thinking, giving a real knife to a student? What if he'd hurt himself?" Koro-sensei munched down on the knife as he grumbled under his breath.

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