Part 29~The Kill

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Once Okabe- and subsequently Karma- had left the room, a dark aura fell over the class.

“That was scary,” Kayano whispered while shuddering.

“No kidding,” Sugino agreed as Lovro let out a bitter laugh.

“I underestimated him and looked where it got me. It’s no fun getting old.” Lovro’s wrist was obviously broken and had a nasty bruise forming.

“Master… Your hand,” Ms Vitch couldn't help but overthink. If her master couldn’t beat the kid, then what chance did she have?

“Looks like I won’t get him by the end of the day.”

“What?!” Koro-sensei seemed panicked as he changed into a cheerleader outfit. “You mustn’t give up, Mr Lovro! You can do it! Yes, you can!”

“No, even now with you this close, I know I can’t kill you,” Lovro stated grimly. “There are times an assassin must judge who is stronger and be willing to withdraw. The same goes for Irina. She can tell before she goes in for the kill if it’s impossible for her to terminate her target. Looks like this will be a draw.”

“I see… I get that you’ve given up. But before you make too many assumptions, keep an eye on Ms Irina. Experienced or not, an assassin is simply someone who kills their target,” Koro-sensei praised while holding onto Ms Vitch’s shoulders.

“Ha… Have it your way.”

“Do you really think I can strike the brat with this knife?” Ms Vitch gave Koro-sensei a suspicious gaze.

“Of course. I don’t know what you learned under your master, but I do know how hard you’ve been working in this classroom.”

“Hey, Nagisa, look over there.” Kayano pointed out the window as she called over her friend.

Okabe and Karma were sitting under a tree, Okabe having his head resting on Karma’s shoulder as Karma fed him pieces of the sandwich.

“One could say they were almost cute together,” Sugino commented with a smirk.

“Yeah, it’s a shame they aren’t like that normally,” Nagisa grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

“Oh? Do tell, Nagisa? What are they like normally?” Nakamura leaned over with a smirk on her lips. Nagisa was about to reply when he spotted Ms Vitch approaching the duo.

“Oh? It’s Ms Vitch and she means business,” Karma teased light-heartedly though his arm tightened around Okabe’s waist.

“Got a minute, Masahiko?” Ms Vitch looked down on the duo, Okabe sighing and sitting up.

“Sure. But even though this is a mock assassination, I won’t go easy on you.”

“She’s got the knife in her hand,” Koro-sensei analysed from the corridor.

“How foolish… Just wading in? Against him? I never taught her any advanced combat skilled, and obviously, moves will only make the target more cautious. She is much better off using her womanly charms. She can kill amateurs with a direct but she knows he’s no amateur,” Lovro assessed darkly. “Her only asset is…”

“Masahiko… Please…” Ms Vitch took off her jacket, posing the best she can.

“Her sex appeal. Ha. Pathetic, just like before.”

“I have to stay in this classroom. You understand, don’t you? Just let me scratch you with the knife, please? If you do, I’ll make it worth your while. If you know what I mean…”

“Seriously? It’s like you didn’t hear me last time.” Okabe was not impressed and he could feel Karma’s possessiveness suffocating the air.

“Mr Lovro… You sat in on Ms Irina’s class, didn’t you? She always begins by working on correct pronunciation- which is very difficult with a new language,” Koro-sensei started monologuing. “As a result, she’s become surprisingly fluent in Japanese. Mastering foreign languages is about practice and repetition. She’s fluent in ten languages now and she even mastered the role of ‘teacher’ without any training. She’s an expert in overcoming challenges with hard work. Do you really think she was just killing time here?” Koro-sensei handed Lovro’s bag, seemingly not caring about the idea of privacy.

“Okay, stay here.” Ms Vitch rounded the tree though neither Karma nor Okabe was willing to play along.

Before Okabe could snap at her again, he felt something snag on his foot. He was thrown to the side by a wire trap. Before he could react, Ms Vitch jumped on top of him.

“Whoa, she got on top of Oka,” Nagisa gasped in shock. Karma looked like he wanted to intervene but knew better than to get in the way so awkwardly stood at the side.

“Ms Irina has been thinking hard about the skills she needs to kill me and has been working endlessly on the problem- just as she works on learning languages. I’m sure you can see how diligent she is if you take a look in her tote bag,” Koro-sensei finished as Ms Vitch tried to stab Okabe.

Okabe caught her hands, holding the knife away from his face. Okabe knew he was stronger but the likelihood was that she had another trick up her sleeve.

“Masahiko… Let me kill you! Please? Pretty please?”

“Seriously?! What kind of assassin beg their target to let them kill them?!” Okabe tried to push Ms Vitch away but sighed. Why was he even bothering with this? “Fine,  but this changes nothing. Besides, I have better things to do than avoid you all day.”

“She did it!”


“Ms Vitch is staying!”

Karma jumped forward, throwing Ms Vitch off Okabe but it didn’t seem to affect her in the slightest.

“She takes on the challenge and overcomes it no matter how difficult. If the students follow her lead, their assassination technique will improve as well. And that is why she has to stay- if you have any hope of killing me,” Koro-sensei claimed with that smug smile.

“Master,” Ms Vitch bowed her head as her teacher walked forward.

“You really are a lousy student. You’re better off as a teacher. Just make sure you kill him, Irina.”

“Of course!”

“Hey Ms Vitch,” Nagisa called out, the teacher looking at him in confusion. “I think you might want to run.”

“You fucking bitch!” Karma came out of nowhere, brandishing a kitchen life and a murderous aura in his eyes. “You better like steel!”

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