Fleetway's Past Pt 3

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Ten long years later-

Fleetway pov-

I was at my mother's favorite garden where they laid her to rest, growing up without her wasn't just the hardest thing for me, it was the worst as my father become more strict and more protective. Now that I'm older I understand why he's so worried about me, but I wished he would ease up on me.

My training was always hard it was one successful lesson after another, I was the highest in everything I did, my father made sure I never failed, sighing to myself I got up saying my goodbyes to my mother promising to come back tomorrow.

While my father and some of the other Guardians left the island to do something for the Grand Elder I would sometimes sneak off to see what the world outside the island was like.

One day I came across a stone that read 'here lays John and Emily, may they rest in peace and their son be found safe and sound' I didn't think much of it so I kept walking coming across a beautiful meadow.

For three days I would visit the meadow, I would lay by a tree just watching the clouds and listening to the music nature would sing, it was starting to get late so I got up dusting myself off till I felt something hit my shoulder, looking to my left I noticed it was a ball and upon picking it up I got tackled to the ground.

"Ginger no it's rude to tackle people" I heard a voice as I saw the boy running up to me, I didn't get a good look as I was being licked in the face, (whistle) "come here, Ginger" the boy called, as I finally got up. "I'm so sorry about that normally she's more behaved" he apologized, but I just waved him off, dusting my self "it's fine, no harm done," I told him finally getting a better look at him.

He was a green hedgehog with peach arms and sky blue eyes, at first glance I was rather taken by his appearance "I'm, Lucian and you've already met Ginger" he introduced himself, not going to be rude I decided to introduce myself as well "nice to meet you, I'm Fleetway" I replied, as he kept looking at me up and down.

"I've never seen you around before, are you new here?" He asked me "no, I live not too far from here, are there others like you out here?" I found myself asking "of course, there is, there's a village not too far from here, you really, don't get out much do you?" He stated more than asked.

"Not really... Meet me here again tomorrow and you can tell me all about it" I told him before quickly leaving, the sun was setting and I needed to get back before the chaos gate closes, as I chaos controlled to my house I took a deep breath I had barely made it, but I was happy I had made a new friend.

The next morning I woke up did my morning chores, trained, and visited with my mother telling her about the boy I met and how I planned to meet him again.

After I said goodbye to my mother promising her I would visit again tomorrow and tell her everything, I left back to the meadow were sure enough that boy was waiting, playing catch with Ginger.

"Fleetway" he waved to me as I waved back, but what I wasn't expecting was him embracing me "I'm glad you came," he told me, at first I didn't know how to react, I haven't been embraced by anyone after my mother died and for the first time in ten years I felt something leaking from my face.

"Fleetway are, you ok?" He asked I quickly turned away not want to let him see me like this, I was about to run when I felt him grab my arm "hey, it's ok your safe here, I've lost someone important too" he said, but how does he know how I feel "I lost my family to a forest fire that spread through the town" he told me sitting down petting Ginger, as she laid by him.

"I... I lost my mother ten years ago, she got sick" I told him sitting down next to him and it was that day, that would change my life forever.

Every day we would meet and every day we would do something different for six months we did this, today I was the first to the meadow and when I saw him coming, I didn't see Ginger instead I saw tears in his eyes and a bruise on his cheek "Lucian, what happened?" I ran to him as he held me close I could tell he needed some time before answering, ten minutes go by before he takes a deep breath.

"I was in the market buying food as I was leaving two guys tried to rob me, so Ginger attacked one and I fought the other, but they quickly ran off after... I-I didn't realize they..." He didn't have to tell me the rest as I understand what he was trying to say, I held him close to me as I started to sing the song, my mother once sang to me.

Once I knew he was calm I laid us down to look at the sky "Fleetway can we stay here tonight I don't want to be alone?" He asked when he said this I looked at him afraid I've never slept outside of the island, and I knew he could tell I was uneasy "I'll protect you Fleetway, I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you, just stay with me" he said holding my hand.

I hesitated at first, but I nodded as we laid there just talking he loved Ginger, so I understood this would be his first time being alone. As night finally came we ate some food he had brought and laid back on the grass, the meadow was more beautiful at night as the nature around us started to glow beautiful colors.

I felt peace that night as sleep finally claimed me.

The next morning I woke up to be in Lucian's embrace a blush quickly crept to my cheeks as he looked so handsome as he slept 'chaos why am I feeling this way' I thought to myself "if you're going to just stare at me, then you must find me amusing to look at or is that a blush I see" he said teasing me.

I sat up looking down at him as he looked up at me "don't tease me" I stated, I saw a smirk on his lips as he quickly sat up, our lips connected 'he's no... He's kissing me' I said to myself in disbelief. He then pulled away with a smile, as I was still in shock 'he really kissed me... Does that mean he likes me... No only couples and mates kiss' I thought again.

"Fleetway, uh... Fleetway are you ok?" he was waving his hand trying to get my attention "what, huh, oh... Uh ya, I'm ok" I stuttered trying to compose myself "I'm sorry I crossed the line," he said looking away, I took a deep breath and calmed myself. The kiss wasn't bad and it's just a sign of affection, but is it the affection I'm thinking of, or is it a different affection "Lucian... What affection do you have for me?" I asked nervously about what he would say.

He looked at me with hope before speaking "I love you, Fleetway more than a friend" he confessed I looked down when he said this, apart of me felt overjoyed, while the other felt scared and I'm sure he noticed.

"Fleetway," he said my name in the most gentlest way, as I looked up at him, he claimed my lips again, I couldn't resist now, how could I, putting my arms around his neck I kissed back, as he pulled me closer to the point I was sitting in his lap "Lucian... I," I didn't know what to say my mind was going blank I've never felt like this before.

I knew we had to stop before things go any further, so I pulled away embracing him "Fleetway... I think it's time for you to go home" he said with seriousness to his voice, the reason didn't have to be explained I could feel a massive chaos energy as well knowing perfectly well who's energy that was "my father is finally home" I said out loud, we both got up going to part ways, but before doing so we shared one more affectionate kiss "I'll see you tomorrow" he said I nodded as we left.

Chaos controlling back to the house was simply trying to fool my father wasn't simple hopefully I could fool him enough to keep Lucian safe.

"Fleetway come with us" two Guardians demanded I had been caught.

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