Plans to Defeat a Demon

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Zonic pov~

Me and Sonic prime were at a club I didn't understand why especially when this club is full of criminals, he kept trying to assure me it was fine "relax Zonic as soon as I see him we'll leave" as he said this my concern only grew "you mean we're going to work with one of these emotionless criminals?" I said looking at him.

"Hey some of us criminals have feelings you know" I quickly turned around seeing a green hedgehog that looked like me and Sonic prime, but he wore a black jacket with red flams at the ends, with sunglasses, and a scar on his stomach.

"Hey Scourge I'm glad you came," Sonic prime said hugging him "well you said it was important, and why is the Zone cop here?" he asked pointing at me.

"I'll explain, but we need to go," Sonic prime told him gesturing me to come with them at first I was hesitant but I followed as he chaos controlled us to what looks like a cabin.

Scourge pov~

Blue had called me yesterday morning telling me to meet him and a friend at Club Green as I was on my way I felt like I was being watched so I decided to take a nice run instead getting there in no time. When I entered the club I was surprised blue had brought the zone cop that looked like us Zonic I think his name was as I kept getting closer to hear his comment.

"Hey some of us criminals have feelings you know," I said as he quickly turned to face me. Blue greeted me and I asked why was the Cop here but he someplace private to explain.

Blue chaos controlled us to my cabin as I went to sit down on my couch, them doing the same sitting opposite of me "so what is so important?" I asked looking at them.

"Scourge we need your help to defeat Mephiles," blue said, I was surprised by this "I know that's not something you expected, but we need to gather everyone if we combined our skills I know we can beat him" he continued to explain.

I sighed knowing what he meant "look blue as bad as the guy is I don't know if gathering everyone is a good idea?" I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Why? If we work together I know we can beat him," He said looking confident "do you not remember what he did to you cause I'm sure the others wouldn't want to die especially Sonic Boom," I said serious this time as he looked away.

"What are you talking about?" the Zone cop asked looking between us I sighed "blue was helping a princess in trouble years ago, and when he let his guard down that freak stabbed him from behind sending his spirit to run with the wind" I explained.

"Wait you mean Mephiles killed you why didn't I know about this?" he asked looking at blue as he got up walking to the window.

"I know what I'm asking is risky, but he won't stop until he gets what he wants or till he is defeated," blue said still not facing us.

Sonic pov~

I knew what I was asking of Scourge was a lot we could all possibly die but he had to be stopped I thought still looking out the window.

"I can't keep running from him for the rest of my life if he isn't stopped now he'll continue to hunt us until he probably has all of us," I said hoping that never happens.

"Blue do you even know what his plan is?" Scourge asked I sighed we really didn't know much of what his plan was "no we just know he plans on destroying the world and having everyone begging for mercy using us" I explained.

"We need Sonic Boom and Classic if this plan of yours is going to work" I heard him sigh deeply "but first we need to figure out what his plan is otherwise we're just going to get ourselves killed" I was about to turn when something caught my eye outside.

I saw a pair of green snake-like eyes in the trees just staring at me that's when I realized 'he knows we're here and now I put Scourge in danger' I thought.

"We have to go," I said looking at them "why?" Zonic asked as he got up Scourge doing the same, before I could say anything I heard a crash as I was pinned to the floor.

"So you think you can run from me, my blue rose well I think I should break that spirit of yours now."

No pov~

Mephiles had broken through the window and pinned Sonic down while the other two got into fighting stances "get off of him" Zonic said seeing Sonic squirming to get out of his grip.

"And why would I do that?" Mephiles asked looking at him "I won't ask again get off of him," Zonic said now holding his gun at him.

"Oh, how sweet you think you can kill me well that's not pa..." he didn't finish as he was thrown to the other side of the room, "I believe he told you to let go of him," Scourge said now helping Sonic up.

"Hmm, brave little rose I see your fearless haha, but I can fix that," Mephiles said getting up "I'll add you to my collection of roses."

"you sick bastard I refuse to be part of your twisted game, blue the shack," Scourge said looking to Sonic as they quickly grabbed each other, Sonic chaos controlled them somewhere else leaving a furious demon in a destroyed cabin.

At the beach

??? pov~

I was sitting in my chair enjoying the breeze until I felt a strong energy coming from my right I quickly got up and a bright light appeared I cover my eyes to try and see what was happening.

"Are you both ok?" I heard a very familiar voice and couldn't believe what I was hearing, I uncovered my eyes to confirm who I heard near my shack "well what do you know long time don't you think blue boy" I said as I walked to the three in front of me.

Sorry I'm taking so long to update I'm having family trouble.

I hope everyone is doing well and who could this new arrival be let me know if you have a clue and will shadow an Zhadow find their uks in time before Mephiles proceeds with his plan keep reading to find out till next time. 🙏

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