Three Days

730 26 15

Zonic pov~

I was checking all the cells making sure every prisoner was in and counted for, as I finally got to sector seven I felt very uneasy like I was being watched. When I finally got to Mephiles's cell the feeling only worsen. But what disturbed me the most was the writing littered on the walls of his cell "three days."

"Ah Zonic, I see you've come to do your late-night check-ups," Mephiles said looking at me with a grin that gave me chills.

"What of it you know the routine and what are you up to?" I asked walking towards the cell trying to show I wasn't intimidated by him.

"Hahaha curious blue rose you'll find out just look at the writting on the walls," he gestured getting up from his corner walking to the bars.

"But if you let me out now I can show you a glimpse of what's to come" his voice got low as he got closer.

"I will never let you out and whatever your planning won't work," I said trying to sound threatening but he just laughed evilly.

"You're not very threatening Zonic, if you want to make a threat you need to do it right," he said and before I knew it he had me by the throat pulling me to the bars as his face was inches from mine.

"In three days I will get out and I will be coming for you and Sonic and when I do you'll be begging for mercy as I pound every ounce of hope you have out of you," he said looking at me with an evil grin as I struggled in his grip.

"Let go of me," I said panicking he had me by the throat I needed to get loss, quickly thinking I used the bars to twist his arm causing him to let go.

"Ahhh" he hissed holding his arm "so you want to play that game, haha I'll let you off this time. But remember three days," not wanting to hear anymore I quickly took off going straight to my office. Grabbing my chest I needed to control my breathing for once in my life, I felt vulnerable by a prisoner an not just any prisoner no this was Mephiles and his threats were never to be taken lightly.

Sonic pov~

The next day I was walking with Zonic to the lake not too far from the facility he wanted to get away from work, but I felt like something was off, today it seemed like he was distracted by something I kept seeing him look around then at me but he didn't a word as we finally reached the lake.

"Sonic prime I'm sorry if my behavior is different," he said now I know something is wrong he always talks to me in his office never anywhere else.

"Zonic what's wrong normally we talk in your office and I can see something is bothering you?" I said.

"Sonic prime it's not safe here anymore," he said looking away from me.

"But Zonic you always said this was the safest place to be what has changed?" I asked confused about what he was trying to say.

"Mephiles is planning something he told me last night and we both know his threats are never to be taken lightly" shocked by this information urged him to explain more.

"Why? what could he possibly want?" I asked hoping he would look at me.

"He wants us," he said finally looking at me. I could see the fear in his eyes and that's when I realized he was truly scared "Zonic what all did he say?"

"He plans on getting out and taking us both he wants to break us, Sonic prime we have to leave," he told me as I looked at him surprised.

"You mean just leave without saying anything, what about Zhadow? I can't just leave Shadow," I said not sure if this was a good idea since Mephiles was the one hunting us.

"Sonic prime I know you're tired of running you just got back with Shadow, but it's not safe here we have to go," he said holding his arm looking away again.

"If you want to stay that's fine but I will not put everyone I care about in danger because of me" understanding what he meant, I know he was right all my friends are here and I can't watch them get hurt because of me.

"Zonic if we leave and Mephiles gets out you know we'll be on our own when he finds us?" he looked up this time he had determination in his eyes.

"I'll like to see him try I know every secret hideout in Mobius," he said and I smiled this is the Zonic I know, but I was still uneasy about leaving.

Scene change-

No pov~

It was now the middle of the night and it was silent throughout the facility as two figures were making their way to the cave entrance to get out of No-Zone.

When they finally made it out they looked back then at each other "are you sure about this there's no turning back now?" Zonic said.

"I know I just hope they understand," Sonic said as he took Zonic's hand and ran making a sonic boom as they left.

They only had three days and they wanted to get as far as they could and Sonic knew just who to go too for help.

Hope everyone is enjoying the story and I know y'all are probably tired of seeing them run but it will get better.

And let me know if y'all have any request I'm always open for ideas and I know some of you are waiting for me to update 'Double Trouble' I'm sorry it's taking so long I'm working on the rough draft for three of the chapters right now and hope to update as soon as I can.

Hope y'all stay safe and be careful until next time. 🙏

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