Needing Answers

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Shadow pov~

I left the room to find Zonic and Zhadow I needed to know more about this destructive form they're so worried about. I went back to Zonic's office I heard talking on the other side, I opened the door to see the two I needed to speak with.

"Shadow I thought you would have stayed with Sonic prime?" Zhadow asked as I came in closing the door behind me.

"I need to know what's going on, what is this destructive form you're so worried about?" I told them waiting for an answer but they all just looked at each other as Scourge sighed.

"Blue is gifted with many abilities not just running but to increase or decrease his chaos energy which is why he has different forms of himself, there is one form however that was not meant to be apart of him," Scourge started.

"He is not someone to be underestimated especially when it comes to what he wants" Zonic added looking to Zhadow as he nodded his head continuing to explain.

"After the events in Soleanna Sonic prime asked me to train him, he wouldn't tell me, his reasons the only thing I could think at the time. He wanted to get stronger so that event never repeats. For six months he became stronger faster and more diligent, the day it happened it was like any other, we took a break after training. I only turned my back for a moment whene turned into his Super form I didn't realize at the time I was facing a far greater force till I saw his eyes swirling like an abyss, at that moment I knew why he asked me to train him, he wasn't trying to protect the everyone from another enemy he was protecting them from himself," he explain.

"Can he control his destructive form?" I asked hoping there was a way to beat this form.

"I'm not sure he left that same day, afraid to hurt anyone else. Sonic prime was never the same when he unconsciously attacked me, I almost lost my life," Zhadow exclaimed looking away I was shocked by this "so you're telling me there is no way to stop him?" I asked.

"There might be," Sonic Boom chimed thinking as we looked at him curious of what his idea was "we could overpower him by using love," he said proudly.

"That's stupid Sonic Boom, you think he can be beaten by something as simple as love, if that's your idea then count me out," Scourge said crossing his arms.

As they were talking I was thinking of Sonic Booms idea he might be on to something "Sonic Boom it would be a great idea if his destructive form, understood the feelings of love" I said looking at him "uh... It is?" He asked as the other three looked confused as well.

"Your idea about love is a good idea since love is pure energy and only pure energy can overpower negative energy" I explained.

"That may be true stripes, but I just don't see that idea working on him, and blue was barely able to get him under control without it costing Zhadow's life I think the best way to keep blue safe now is to keep him away from that creepy bastard and wait for the fox kid to come up with a cure for him," Scourge said leaving the room.

"I think he may be right we need a reasonable plan I'm going to talk with Tails. Zonic I want you to help Shadow watch over Sonic prime" Zhadow said also leaving.

"Zonic do you think my plan is bad?" Sonic Boom asked as he sighed "no but we should always keep our options open we do need a plan to keep Sonic prime away from Mephiles," he said.

Sonic pov~

As I started to wake up I felt a pain in my head I tried moving my head around to see if that would help, but it only worsened, I felt a hand rub my head it was so gentle I looked up.

"Shades," I said hugging him "it's ok love I'm here your safe now," he said pulling me close to him as I laid my head on his chest he then started to rub my head again as I softly purred, he surprised me as he started rubbing behind my ears he's never done that before.

"Love I found this beautiful lake near a tree would you like to see it with me tomorrow?" he asked

"I'd love to Shades, I should probably get some more rest I'm still drained of energy," I told him as I laid back down I could feel him giving me energy it felt a bit different but it was nice "thanks Shades," I said before falling back to sleep.

Back to Zonic's office~

No pov~

"We need to set a parameter around the building that way we'll know when Mephiles is here," Shadow said.

"Uh sorry to interrupt your conversation but shouldn't you check on Sonic if he wakes up he'll probably go into panic mode for what happened," Sonic Boom told him.

And with that Shadow left as he reached the room, they shared he was surprised to see Sonic still sleeping but what surprised him the most was him purring.

"Love wake up you need to eat something," he said lightly shaking him "Shades I already told you I need more rest," he said cuddling the pillow "what do you mean?"

Cliff hanger I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe sorry it took me so long.

Well, the destructive form ever be revealed was sonic really talking to shadow keep reading to find out.

Hope everyone enjoys this chapter till next time. 🙏

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