Fleetway's Past Pt 4

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Lucian pov-

I had to let Fleetway go back home as much as I didn't want to I understood why he's explained to me before that he was forbidden to leave Angel Island because he wasn't safe.

With this thought in mind, I decided if I was going to protect him and take care of him as my mate then I needed to get stronger.

I couldn't protect Ginger and because of me, I lost her, but I won't lose him looking in the direction of Angel Island, I started heading the same way using chaos control.

Once I made it onto the island I hid in a bush covered in flowers I looked around trying to get a good look at my surroundings when I noticed, I'm at the temple.

Remembering everything I've read about in books I was astonished I had chaos controlled myself into the temple "Grand Elder, I return from my mission" my attention brought to a echidna kneeling down respectively to the other.

"Welcome home my son, I trust you stayed safe" the Elder looked at him with so much pride "yes, and my son, how has he been progressing in his training?" he asked finally standing "he has successfully completed every necessary skill to start taking missions on his own," he replied.

The look of the other, I could tell he was not happy with that answer, but tried to show his joy of his son's success "Grand Elder" one of the other Guardians said coming in with Fleetway being escorted by two others holding his arms "Fleetway was caught chaos controlling back to the island" when one of them said this I felt fear for my mate, he got caught because of me.

"Son, why did you leave the island I've told you never to leave?" the echidna was his father... So he's adopted I put two and two together finally understanding "I was fine, I was just exploring, you can't keep me here forever," Fleetway said moving his arms causing the other echidna's to let him go.

"You are not safe out there... I'm just trying to protect you" I could feel the tension rising as they argued "from what... WHAT ARE YOU ALL SO AFRAID OF?" Fleetway yelled his eyes glowing "don't raise your voice at me boy, it's none of your concern" his father shot back "how, how is it not my concern, TELL ME?" he yelled again "BECAUSE YOU'RE THE CAUSE OF THIS WORLDS DESTRUCTION" everything was silent as I saw Fleetway take in what he just heard.

"Fleetway... I... please understand if you went out there and something happened to you, I couldn't live with myself" his father tried to reason knowing he messed up, "but you could live with this? Lying to me keeping me here, because you think I'm a monster" he said with so much hurt and sadness in his voice "enough, my son restrain yourself... My child, please listen everything we do is to protect you, but I understand you wish to have freedom so I will grant you the freedom to take on missions" the Grand Elder spoke stopping them from going any further.

"But Grand Elder.." His father tried to protest "silence my son, I will speak with you in a moment, Fleetway you have succeeded my best Guardians and proven your very capable of taking care of yourself. Your first mission starts tomorrow I need you to retrieve a scroll in the northern borders of Vallia, can you do this?" He asked and with all the pride I've ever seen Fleetway have "I accept my mission I'll start preparations immediately" he replied bowing his head before leaving.

I smiled chaos controlling to the bottom of the steps of the temple 'I was grateful I memorized the layout of Angel Island from the book I read' I hid in another bush waiting for Fleetway to come down.

As I saw him, I quickly pulled him into the bush "what..." I covered his mouth "shhh" I told him before uncovering his mouth, as he turned around I brought him into a tight hug "Lucian, Lucian oh my chaos you're here... But you, I uh... What are you doing here?" He asked me, I could tell he was shocked and a bit worried.

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