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No pov

The next morning Sonic was the first to wake up, looking to his right he saw Shadow still laying beside him, realizing it wasn't a dream he smiled and lean to kiss Shadow's cheek stirring him a little. "You know it's not nice to disturb someone when their sleeping love" Shadow protested to his counter part pulling him closer to him.

"I couldn't resist! You looked so cute when your sleeping" Sonic commented kissing him again, "you both do know we have to be back at base in an hour?" A voice interrupted, causing Sonic to jump up.

"Haven't you heard of knocking" Shadow remarked to Scourge standing in the doorway, "listen here stripes, today is an important day, and we all need to be there!" He spat back crossing his arms. "Where is Fleetway?" Sonic asked getting up before almost falling over, causing Shadow to grin and Scourge to laugh.

"In the same condition you are" Scourge said with a grin until something came flying at him, hitting him in the head. "ASSHOLE" was all your heard from Fleetway across the end of the hall, "That's not what you were saying last night" he excused himself to deal with his lover's addittued.

That's when Shadow turned to see Sonic giving him a look of unpleased with the senerio look, but of course he wasn't taken by him trying to be serious, instead he pulled him in holding him like a baby in his lap.

"I'm still not pleased with you, but we do need to get up" he responded wrapping his arms around Shadow's neck. Knowing his partner was right they got ready and went into the kitchen for breakfast that an unhappy Scourge was now making while Fleetway sat at the table.

After everyone ate there was still fourty minutes left, knowing no more time needed to be wasted they teleported to the base surprising everyone in the room. "SONIC!" Came Tails tackling him with a hug "Hey buddy, I'm sorry it took me so... ouch" he winced as Tails pinched him as tears were in his eyes "don't you ever try playing hero again, I thought you were gone, I thought..." He tried to fight his emotions but it was no use. "Tails... I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have put so much on your shoulders" Sonic exclaimed pulling his little brother in for another hug.

Everyone greeted them back, giving Sonic a surprise to see Maria, Gadget and Infinite had come back "when did you get here? I thought you had went across the sea's?" He asked welcoming them.

"When we finally got word of what was going on here, we came as quick as we could" Gadget spoke for the group. Everyone was catching Sonic up on what happened, while he did the same for them. "Alright everyone now that you all are here and caught up, the prosecution can begin, may everyone please make their way to the courtyard" a badger announced coming into the room.

As everyone made their way to the courtyard they were surprised to see so many people, civilians, G.U.N, the agents of No Zone, and even a few of the criminals Sonic had put away in the past, they were all here for the banishment of Mephiles.

"Citizens of Mobius, for three long months our homes and city's have been terrorized by Mephiles the dark, we have lost thousands of loved ones to this tyrant and his greed for world domination" Zhadow spoke on the stage with every world leader sitting on his right. "Three days ago we had captured and detained the tyrant and have decided to banish him to the void, as of today no more shall we suffer at his hands" he paused as everyone cheered and applauded the decision.

"Bring out the prisoner" he gave the order, as a guard brought out Mephiles with his hands bound behind him in energy obsorbing chains that keep him from using his powers.

Sonic pov

I was shocked, relieved, and a bit scared as they brought out Mephiles, I started to feel overwhelmed with how many people were here, to see the banishment, but for some reason I had a nagging feeling that something wasn't right, I looked around me and noticed a few strange figures in cloths, I look to Fleetway and saw he was powering up, while whispering something to Scourge, quickly he moved to one of the near by agents.

Something was wrong I know it, "Mephiles the dark, you are hear to be percacuted for universal crimes you have cemented, you have taken innocent lives, and left many without a home, you even attacked and murdered the high court that apposed you in your hanace attack. So as of this day you will be banished to the void for your..." Zhadow stopped as an agent came up to him, looking concerned, I wish I could hear what they were saying.

"Can I have everyone's attention, in an orderly fashion can you all make your way into the base and put as much distance between you and the courtyard as possible" Zhadow finished his announcement, some people did as instructed while others didn't move.

Tired of waiting to find out what was going on I walked up to Fleetway, "what's going on, why is Zhadow telling everyone to head into the base?" I asked him but he didn't answer nor did he even turn to me, his gaze was fixed on Mephiles.

"Shadow as of this moment you are to take Sonic back to the cottage, under no circumstances are you to bring him back here till I or Scourge come for you, do you understand?" He asked as he came from be hind me, Fleetway still fixated on Mephiles.

"WILL SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON" I yelled wanting answers.

"Hahahahaha hahahahahaha you think banishing me will keep that child of yours safe" Mephiles laughed before looking to us, a shiver went through me as he said this "That prophecy speaks of a guardian child, why don't you tell him the truth, or should I tell him, before I end his life" he lunges away and straight for me.

Everything was in slow motion as I saw Mephiles coming for me with the same blade like hand he once killed me with, Fleetway way had moved in front of me, pushing me back.

"FLEETWAY!" My scream filled the air.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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