New Hope

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"Is that..." Tails paused, astonished by what he was seeing.

"These drawings don't just tell us about Fleetway, but also about Sonic! Tails, take a picture, and let's bring this back to Knuckles. He should have the answers we need," Sonic Boom instructed.

Once done, he turned to leave before reeling back at the sight of Shadow glaring at him, from the now-blocked doorway.


No pov~

It has been two hours, and the trio still couldn't figure a way out of their predicament. "What if you use chaos control, that should get us out of here, right?" Sonic boom asked, hoping his idea would work.

"I can't use chaos inside the temple, only the Guardian of the Master Emerald can... Which, I might add, isn't here," Shadow huffed with annoyance, "but there has to be a way out!" He continued.

"Actually, now that I think about it, the way out should be the opposite of how we came in," Tails interrupted, hoping to stop the two from bickering.

"What do you mean?" Shadow asked, raising a brow.

"Well, if the way out is anything like the way in, all we have to do is find a secret stone slab to get out. Knuckles is smart, he always makes his puzzles simple to those who pay attention. My guess is by the painting on the wall." He tapped his chin in thought, glancing around the room." Look for something that is out of place or looks odd," Tails explained, as they started looking for their way out.

While Shadow was looking, he noticed something wrong with the painting of Sonic. On his chest was a red crystal that looked oddly familiar to him, somehow. Out of curiosity, he put his hand on the crystal and gave it a gentle push, only for it to open the blocked doorway they came through.

"How did you...?" Sonic Boom muttered before shaking his head. "Never mind. Let's get out of here before we get locked in again."

And without hesitation, they left, heading back to the sky base to tell the others what they found... And to ask their dear friend, Knuckles, what he knew about the painting they found.


Fleetway pov~

I sat upon a hill, looking at the beautiful destruction I created. This site, however, did not bring the feelings of pleasure to me. It was great to finally be out again, but I could not enjoy the victory. I was still trapped, bound to this child, and accomplished nothing since my imprisonment those years ago.


"Hahaha! Run cowards, I'll destroy everything! Hahaha, I'll destroy you all!" I laughed at the fear I brought into their pitiful souls. 'No one could beat me,' I had thought until I was hit by a chaos blast that sent me flying into a tree. "Who dares strike me, show yourself?" I yelled, getting up as I rubbed my head. I looked to see it was one of the Guardians of Angel Island that sent me flying.

"I will not let you continue to corrupt this world," he declared with confidence. I scoffed. Like he could stand a chance against me. "I've watched you grow, thinking I could keep you from, your horrible destiny, but now, I see you've become a monster. You're not the little hedgehog Olivia found on those steps," he said. I growled.

"I've become something more, something better. I plan to rid this world of every imperfection until everything is perfect. You may have raised me, but this is my destiny. This is me; the true me. I won't conform to your... Standards anymore. It's time for a revolution."

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