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Fleetway pov-

Getting Dr. Eggman to agree with my terms and request was simple, but my plans to get the kid out of here would be the hard part given his current state. If I had just listened to all the warnings I was given Sonic would have been spared from Mephiles and his pup would still be alive.

"Alright, the chamber is ready!" Dr. Eggman informed bringing me out of my thoughts as I looked to my left, taking a deep breath I entered the tube-like chamber.

Once I was in, the chaos infused liquid surrounded me, the process of separation had begun, and with it painful memories of the past resurfaced, I failed to protect the ones I loved, but no more this time I will protect the kid I'll protect them all.

When I finally woke, a room slowly started to form, realizing I was in the recovery room, I quickly looked around for the kid to see he was in the next bed across from me, rushing to check if he had any injuries I was thankful to find none, but the injuries he endured during the fight with Mephiles was going to take some time to heal.

Turning around I started heading to Dr. Eggman's office knowing that's where he would be "I was able to remove the pup from him without any problem, of course, the recovery of losing such a precious thing will take time, including the trauma he went through with Mephiles" he explained as I entered, closing the door behind me.

"In the meantime, I've located a chaos emerald not too far from here, after you retrieve this emerald I want you to send a message to those pesky friends of his" he demanded handing me two notes "you will cooperate for Sonic to remain safe in my care" he threatened. Giving him a death glare "if you hurt the kid in any way I promise you will regret ever releasing me" I turned to leave going back to the kid hoping he hadn't woken up yet.

I needed a plan to get the kid out of here and out of harm's way I thought to myself as I reached the recovery room, about to open the door I remembered the cabin I lived in with Lucian up in the mountains to the north.

Knowing the kid would be safe there I put my plan into motion first I needed to get the chaos emerald then get far enough from the base to not be noticed taking the kid.

Sonic pov-

As images flashed of Mephiles I gulted up "NO!" I yelled panicked as I looked around me, I was in what looked like a recovery room quickly I got out of the bed only to fall on the floor.

"Sonic, what are you doing? You can't move around on your own yet, you just went through surgery" I looked up to see Fleetway picking me up, and setting me on the bed "you're here... Oh no, no no no you can't be here we are one being, you were imprisoned within me..." I questioned feeling my head spinning this couldn't be real "kid listen, Dr. Eggman agreed to separate us if I cooperated with him, he was able to heal all your injuries, and... Remove the pup you lost during the fight with Mephiles" he explained trying to calm me down.

When he mentioned the loss of a pup my world started to crumble around me, I lost the pup that I conceived with Shadow.

I felt so hurt, sad and empty I lost everything and I couldn't do anything about it looking to Fleetway a single tear fell from my cheek

"Kid... I-I'm sorry... I never should have put you in harm's way, I should have put my pride aside and talked to you, explained everything sooner... I should have protected you... I failed you and the pup, I-I failed" he exclaimed finally letting his guard down showing me, his true feelings.

"You couldn't have known this was going to happen Fleetway, I should have been there for you more" I exclaimed still feeling every emotion boiling inside me.

"There is a chaos emerald not to far from here, Dr. Eggman wants me to retrieve it, once I do it's a straight shot out of here, keeping you safe is my main priority I know a place we can stay it's a four days journey from here, but we'll be safe there" he explained turning to leave "what about my friends, I could go back to them" I expressed wanting nothing more than to be with them.

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